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- American Sportsman. American Sportsman: vol. 2 – no. 2, Ridge Press & ABC (1969) Contains chapter titled ” The Ultimate Fly Rod” by Leonard M Wright, Jr.
- Annesley, Patrick (ed.). Hardy’s Book of Fishing, Heinemann; London, (1971 & 1975), E.P. Dutton; NY (1971, 1972, 1975) – Articles include: ‘Rods of Rent Cane,” “The Virtues of split Cane, ” “Long or Short, ” and “Rods for Light Line Fishing. “
- Arnold, Richard. Making and repairing Fishing Tackle, W.G. Foyle LTD., London (1956), (1962) – 9 page section on cane rods.
- Atherton, John. The Fly and The Fish, Macmillan (1951) Freshet Press (1971) – Reprint contains intro by Maxine Atherton about life with her husband and others including Pinkie Gilliam.
- Austin, Edward R. The Manchester Method of Constructing Split Cane Fly Rods (1894), The Whitefish Press (2020). *
- Babb, James R. Crosscurrents: A Fly Fishers Progress, Lyons Press (1999) – Contains chapter titled “Blue Collar Cane”.
Baginski, Rolf, Gespliesste – Edle Ruten aus Bambus, Rolf Baginski (2006) (Book Review).
- Baginski, Rolf, Split-Cane Rods – Bamboo Treasures, Rolf Baginski (2007) (About the Book). * –
Bando, Yuki, Mostly Bamboo – Eighteen Bamboo, Fiberglass and Graphite Fly Rodmakers In Japan, Flybito Press (2020), Edition in English, Foreword by Glenn Brackett. – Bamboo Rodmakers: Kakuhiro Nonaka, Hideto Ishida, Tadanobu Shindo, Naoto Shibuya, Kojiro Murata, Ryuno Tsujibayashi, Hironobu Kitao, Jun Yokota, Katsumi Harada, Kiyoshi Uda & Yuta Nidaira, Naoki Hashimoto, Satoko Uraguchi, Noriyuki
Asama, Toshiyuki Maekawa, Hidenobu Kotake, and Masaki Takemoto. Mostly B&W fotos, at last a “Showcase” with a doublepage with the work from each Rodmaker in color. (Springforelle, Mostly Bamboo). *
Bando, Yuki, Mostly Bamboo – Eighteen Bamboo, Fiberglass and Graphite Fly Rodmakers In Japan, Flybito Press (2020), Japan Edition. *
- Barch, R.J. & R McKeon. The Best of The Planing Form, Alder Creek Publishing (1997) The Planing Form – A collection of articles, drawings, essays and anecdotes by today’s bamboo rodmakers from around the world. *
- Barch, R.J. & R McKeon. The Best of The Planing Form Volume 2, Alder Creek Publishing (2003) The Planing Form – A collection of articles, drawings, essays and anecdotes by today’s bamboo rodmakers from around the world. *
- Barch, R.J., Publisher, The Planing Form, 25 Year Index. 1990-2014, Issues 1-150, The Planing Form (2017) (Sam Nielson) *
- Barnes, W. George. How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods, New Win Publishing (1974) – Winchester Press (1977) – A guide to building rods without using a lot of the specialized tools and techniques that seem to surround the craft. *
- Barnes, W. George. How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods, Alder Creek Publishing(2002) – A guide to building rods without using a lot of the specialized tools and techniques that seem to surround the craft. *
- Barnes, George W., Fly Rods Galore, Alder Creek (2002) *
- Bates, Vernon L. Tackle Making for Anglers, Herbert Jenkins Ltd., London (1938) (1953) (1958) – 33 page section on cane rods.
- Baumann, R. Versuche über die Elastizität und Festigkeit von
Bambus, Akazien-, Eschen- und Hickoryholz, Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart (1913) – Mitteilung aus der Materialprüfungsanstalt der Kgl. German. (pp 41-52)
- Beelart, Jr., Joseph H., Oregon Bamboo, Maverick Publications (2006). – Including: Mark Luther Sturges, Hadley L. Webster, John Wilson, Harry D. Hobson, Francis B. Wire, Clifford B. Baird Sr., Clifford B. Baird Jr., Phillip Baird Sr., Ed Hartzell, Dean Jones, John DeNoma Sr., Gary Soeffker, Garry Lokamp, James H. Fenner, Stephen Kiley, Daryll L. Whitehead, Howard A. Schelske, Tim Stoltz, A.J. Thramer, Chris McDowell, Mike Brooks, Randy Brewer, Bruce Howell, E.F. Payne, Roger Fairfield, Robert Clarke, Steve Blake, Dwight Lyons, Jim Loucks, Ward Tonsfeldt, Al Bellinger, Chet Croco, Bill Bennet, Tyler Wick, Jeff Bellinger, Arne Mason, Kevin Callaway, Mike Hoffman, Gordon Johnson, Mike Kennedy, Craig Lynch, Forrest Maxwell, Jeff Smith, Dennis Stone. (Book Review). *
- Beelart, Jr., Joseph H., Howells, The Bamboo Fly Rods & Fly Fishing Legacy of Gary H. Howells, The Whitefish Press (2013). *
- Bech, Henrik. Sådan vælger og bygger man Fiske-Stænger, Chr. Erichsens Forlag, København (1964) – Danish (130 pp). *
- Bell, Donald A., Bamboo Rod Making, Making Split Bamboo Bait Casting Rods from Finished Blanks, 1936, The Whitefish Press (2012). *
- Bergman, Ray. Just Fishing, Outdoor Life (1932-1946) & Derrydale (1994)
- Betts, John, Making Strip-built Fly Rods from Various Woods on a Lathe, Frank Amato (2007) *
Black, George, Casting a Spell, The Bamboo Fly Rod and the American Pursuit of Perfection, The Random House (2006) *
- Blacker, William. The Art of Fly Making, London (1855) – Contains a mention of gluing up strips of bamboo for rods (pp. 82)
- Block, Erin, The View from Coal Creek, Reflections on Fly Rods, Canyons and Bamboo, Whitefish Press (2013). *
- Boström, Kenneth, Spöbygnad på mitt sätt, Förlag Rackelhanen
(1997) Swedish (180 pp). *
- Boström, Kenneth. Stangbygging, Montering av grafitstenger, Reparasion av stenger, Bygging av splittkeinstenger. Bokklubben Villmarksliv (1997) – Norwegian edition (180 pp). .
Brandin, Per. A Fly Rod With a Soul. The Bamboo Fishing Rods and Life of E.C. Powell, Angler. Per Brandin (2020) – *
- Brooks, Joe. Trout Fishing, Outdoor Life (1972) – The Chapter Trout Rods (p. 53 – 60) with “Rodhistory” and mentioning Phillipi, Green, Murphy, Leonard, Orvis, Young, Hardy and more.
- Brotherton, Harry. Making Fishing-Rods as a Hobby: A practical Guide to the Craft of RodMaking, Stanley Paul & co. LTD., London, (1960) – (112 pp).
- Brough, Robert. Fly-Tying & Rod Making, Scottish Angler Publications, Glasgow (1950) – 13 pages on cane rod making.
- Caiati. Carl. Collecting Fly Fishing: Instant Expert, pub. (1997) – Tips, what’s hot, market trends & value guide.
Calabi, Silvio. The Collectors Guide to Antique Fishing Tackle, Wellfleet (1989 & 1996) – Collector’s guide to antique fishing tackle and accessories, including rods, reels, lures and more. *
- Camp, Raymond R. Fishing the Surf, Little Brown and Co. (1941) – Includes chapter titled “Home Rod Making” & comments on double built rods.
- Camp, Samuel G. Fly Fishing Kits & Equipment, Macmillan (1910) & (1933) Chapters on choosing and using a bamboo fly rod.
- Campbell, A.J. Classic and Antique Fly Fishing Tackle: A Guide for Collectors and Anglers, The Lyons Press (1997) – Includes bamboo rod history, design, construction, ID, and repair. *
- Carter, Art. The Sporting Craftsmen : Guide to Contemporary Makers of Custom-Built Sporting Equipment, Countrysport Press (1994 & 1995) – Info on contemporary makers of bamboo fly rods. (pp 1-34).
Cattanach, Wayne. Handcrafting Bamboo Rods, Cattanach (1992) & The Lyons Press (Revised edition) (2000) – A comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods. *
Carmichael, Hoagy B. & Everett Garrison, Master’s Guide To Building A Bamboo Fly Rod, Martha’s Glen [1977) & Meadow Run Press (1985), (1994) – The reprints have some revised text while the 1st edition has higher quality photos. (H. B. Carmichael). *
- Carmichael, Hoagy B., 8, Anesha Publishing (2010). (H. B. Carmichael). *
- Carmichael, Hoagy B., Side Casts, Skyhorse Publishing (2015) – Including the chapters: “Everett Edmund Garrison: (1893-1975)”, “The Book” – about the creation of A Masters Guide to Building A Bamboo Fly Rod, “Full Circle: The Story of Rod Builder Ed Fody”. (H.B. Carmichael) *
- Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry (1837-1915), The Modern Practical Angler, Frederick Warne and Co, London, Schreiner, Welford and Co, New York (1870), – The Chapter “Rods and Making” pp. 39 – 52.
- Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry (1837-1915), Fishing (Salmon and Trout), Longmans, Green and Co., London (1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1901) – With the chapters “Rods” pp. 72 – 77 and “The Rod” pp. 186 – 188. –
- Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry (1837-1915), Modern Improvements in FishingTackle, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, London. (xxxx) – The Chapter “Fly Rods“, pp. 66 – 75.
- Coursaget, Pierre. Les Cannes a Pêche de Collection, Argus de la pêche NO 3, Ed. PECARI, Ciboure, France, (1997) – An identification guide to bamboo rods from around the world.
- Courtney, Williams A. Angling Diversions, Jenkins (1946) – Chapter on the origins of the cane rod.
- Coykendall, Ralf, Jr. Coykendall’s Sporting Collectibles Price List, Lyons (1991) – Covers current selling prices to many items including split-cane rods.
- Coykendall, Ralf, Jr. Coykendall’s 2nd Sporting Collectibles Price Guide, Lyons (1993) – Covers current selling prices to many items including split-cane rods. This book is a continuation of the list in the 1st. book, with no overlap.
- Coykendall, Ralf, Jr. Coykendall’s Complete Guide To Sporting Collectibles, pub. (1996) – Price guide & listing of sources for sporting collectibles.
- Dawson, Kenneth. Casts From A Salmon Reel, Jenkins, London (1948) – Contains chapter on “Refinements in Rod Building”.
- De Lespinay, Jasselin. La Canne A Mouche, Traité pratique de construction et d’habillage des cannes a mouche en bambou refendu. Éditions la Simarre, (1991) – French, (272 pp). (E-book in English: My Fly Rod – How to build a bamboo fly rod, a practical guide (2010))
- Dougherty, J.C., The Art of Restoring Split Cane Fly Rods, J.C. Dougherty (2012) *
- Duffield, Paul, Vintage Fishing Rod Restoration Guide, Paul Duffield, USA (2012), (34 pp). *
- Eeles, H.H. Tackle Making for Fisherman, Adlard Coles LTD., (1954) – (Rods: pp 9-22).
Engle, Ed. Splitting Cane – Conversations with Bamboo Rodmakers , Stackpole Books, (2002), – Conversations with 16 bamboo rodmakers (W.E. Carpenter, J.A. Bradford, Jim Hidy, H.L. Jennings, J.E. Aguello, J.D. Wagner, Charlie Jenkins, Glenn Brackett, Mike Clark, Ted Knott, George Maurer, Robert Gorman, Bernard Ramanauskas, F.D. Lyons, D.G. Schroeder and Carl-Johan Anderberg). *
- Farelly, David. The Book of Bamboo, Sierra Club Books (1984) – A comprehensive guide to it’s uses, and it’s history. *
- Feierabend, Louis B.,The Wise Rod Maker, Whitefish Press (2013). *
- Fisherman’s Digest 1958, Article: PAUL YOUNG master rod builder, (Jack Van Coevering), Follett Publishing Company, Chicago, IL. *
- Fitch, Fitz James, Amateur Rod Making, 1884, Whitefish Press (2011). *
- Fitzgerald, F-Stop. (ed.). The Elements of Fly Fishing : A Comprehensive Guide to the Equipment, Techniques, and Resources of the Sport, Simon & Schuster (1999) – Contains chapter on fly rods written by rodmaker Ralph Moon.
- Fitzgibbon, Edward. Handbook of Angling, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. London (1847) – Contains quote from Mr. Little referring to the use of bamboo in rod making.
- Foote, T. John. A Wedding Gift, Appleton (1924).
- Foote, T. John. Anglers All, Appleton (1947) – Includes the story “A Wedding Gift”.
- Foote, T. John. A Wedding Gift: And Other Angling Stories , Lyons (1992).
- Foster, Wilfred Louis (a.k.a Wielder). The Exchange & Mart Book of Rodmaking, Exchange and Mart (1922), The Whitefish Press (2019) – *
- Foster, Wilfred Louis (a.k.a Wielder). Fishing Tackle Making & Repairing: Modem Improvements in Angling Gear, with Instructions on Tackle-Making for the Amateur, The “Bazaar Exchange & Mart” Office, London, n.d., ca. (1935) – Rods, Ferrules and Fittings, Rod-Making. (pp. 9-31).
- Francis, McK. Austin. Catskill Rivers: Birthplace of American Fly Fishing, Lyons (1996) – A few pages on the more renown Catskill area rodmakers.
- Francis, McK. Austin. Land Of Little Rivers, Beaverkill Press. (1999) – A story in Photos of Catskill Fly Fishing, Includes Chapter 10: ‘Rods’ : Samuel Phillippe, H.L. Leonard, Edward F. Payne, Jim Payne, H.S. “Pinky” Gillum, E. Garrison, Hoagy .B. Carmichael and Walt Carpenter, and foto of 22 rods. *
- Francis, Francis. A Book On Angling, Longmans, Green & Co., London (1867) – Contains an early reference to an Aldred Bamboo Rod. (Download). *
Franzoglio, Nirvano and Marco Frera. La canna in bambu per la pesca a mosca: costruiamola insieme, Amico Libro (2007) –
- Frazier, D. Perry, The Angler’s Workshop – Volume 1, Rodmaking for Beginners, Series Forest & Stream (1908) – Instructions on how to build your own bamboo rod. (Download).
- Frazier, D. Perry. Fishing Tackle, Outing Publishing Co. (1914) – Chapters on care, cleaning, and varnishing of rods. (Download).
- Frazier, D. Perry. Amateur Rodmaking, Macmillan (1914-1948) – Instructions on how to build your own bamboo rod. (Download). *
- Fulk, Tom, Fundamental Concepts of Bamboo Fly Rod Design: A Graphic Design Approach, pp. 38. (2005).
- Färnström, Nils, Flugspö, Raben & Sjögren (1975), 124 pp. – Including the chapters: “Det fantastiska flugspöt” (pp. 9 – 26) and “Walton Powell bygger The Golden Signature” (pp. 27 – 35). Swedish. *
- Gabrielson, Ira. N. & LaMonte. The Fisherman’s Encyclopedia, Stackpole & Heck (1950) – A few pages on rod building by Letcher Lambuth.
Garner, Patrick C., Playing With Fire, The Life and Fly Rods of E. W. Edwards, The Whitefish Press (2009). – covers Edwards’ early years with Hiram Leonard, details the legendary “Kosmic” years with Hiram Hawes, Fred Thomas, and Edward Payne, his short-lived partnership with Thomas, and covers for the first time in print his career as a photographer. His return to rodmaking which lead to his discovery of flame tempering of cane, his years at Winchester, and his final stop in Mt. Carmel all flesh out the story of Edwards and his fly rods. *
Garner, Patrick C., The Fly Rod Genius of E.W. Edwards, Aegis Press (2024), 248 pages – highlights the extraordinary fly rods of this master builder. It dispels myths and reveals a life rich in adventure. Edwards’ unexpected discoveries created the benchmark for today’s fly rod. A complete update of the earlier volume.
- Garrison, Everett & Hoagy B. Carmichael. Master’s Guide To Building A Bamboo Fly Rod, Martha’s Glen [1977) & Meadow Run Press (1985), (1994) – The reprints have some revised text while the 1st edition has
higher quality photos. (H. B. Carmichael). *
- Gierach, John. Trout Bum, Pruett (1986), Simon & Shuster – Chapter on bamboo rods: ‘Cane Rods’. *
- Gierach, John. Fly Fishing Small Streams, Stackpole (1989) – Includes comments about bamboo rods. *
- Gierach, John. Even Brook Trout Get The Blues, Simon & Schuster (1992) – Chapter on fishing bamboo rods: ‘Bamboo’. ( *
- Gierach, John. Fishing Bamboo; One Man’s Love Affair with Bamboo Fly
Rods, Lyons Press (1997), *
- Gierach, John, Fool’s Paradise, Simon & Schuster (2008) – includes the chapter ‘Rods’ *
- Gingrich, Arnold. The Joys of Trout, Crown, (1973) – Discusses technique, rodmakers (Paul Young), & anglers he’s fished with. *
- Gingrich, Arnold. The Well-Tempered Angler, Knopf (1965 & 1973) – Stories on streams, fish, tackle and more.
- Girard, Jerry. Casting About. The Complete Castabout Columns on Fly Rods % Fly Fishing History, The Whitefish Press (2022) – *
- Giuliani, Sante L. , and Friends, The Cracker Barrel, Understanding and Fishing the Bamboo Fly Rod, The Whitefish Press (2010). *
- Gordon, Sid W. How To Fish From Top To Bottom, Stackpole (1955) – A few comments on the usage of F. E. Thomas rods.
- Gould, Ray. Constructing Cane Rods: Secrets of the Bamboo Fly Rod, Frank Amato (1999) – A comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods. Excerpts from chapter 4: ‘Why Bamboo ? Cellular Composition, The Art‘, ‘Physical Properties, Characteristics‘, ‘Tradition‘. *
- Gould, Ray, Cane Rods, Tips & Tapers, Frank Amato (2005). *
- Grammel, R. & Zoller, K. Zur Mechanik des Peitschenknalles, Zeitschrift for Physik, Bd. 127, pp. 11-15 (1949) – German.
- Grau, Stefan. Selbstbau von Gespliessten Angelruten – Eine Anleitung für Beginner, Self-Published (2002) – A comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods (119 pp).
- Grey of Fallodon, Viscount Edward, Fly Fishing, J.N. Dent & Sons Ltd. – Some pages about Greenhart and Splitcane Rods. (Download).
- Haager, Eugeen & Lorenz, Hellmut. Bastelbuch für Sportfischer, Albert Müller Verlag, Rüschlikon-Zürich/Stuttgart (1958) – Rutenbau: pp 19-98.
- Halford, Frederick. Dry Fly Fishing, (1889) Shurlock (1973 reprint) – Early fishing tackle including rods (pp 1 – 19). (Download). *
- Halford, Frederic M., The Dry Fly Man’s Handbook, xxx (1913) Derrydale Press (1994) – With the chapter ‘Rod and Tackle’. *
- Hall, Andrew P. Building the Bamboo Fly Rod, (1980) – Rodmaker Dawn Holbrook’s class instruction booklet. (Download).
- Hallock, Charles, Sportsman’s Gazetteer and General Guide, Forest and Stream Publishing Company (1877) – The Chapter: The Art of Fly Fishing (Rods, Reels, Lines and Lures) pp. 572 – 587.
- Harbin, Clyde Sr. James Heddon’s Sons Catalogues, pub. (1977 & reprint 199?) – Contains catalogs containing rods from 1903 through 1921.
- Hardy, James Leighton. The House The Hardy Brothers Built, Ashburton, (1998) – Behind the scenes of the fishing tackle trade including origins & development over a period of 110 years. Covers some material not found in the Turner or Drewett books. ( Graham Turner, ‘Fishing Tackle: A Collectors Guide’, John Drewett: ‘Hardy Brothers: The Masters, the Men and Their Reels, 1873-1939′).
- Hardy, John James. Salmon Fishing, Country Life, London (1907) – Includes chapter on rods. (Download).
- Hardy’s Book of Fishing, compiled by Patrick Annesley, Heinemann, London (1975), – with the chapter ‘The Equipment’ pp. 3 – 19, A Famous Northumberland Manufactory (Newcastle Daily Journal, 1890), Your Rod for Fly Fishing by Charles Cotton, Rods of Rent Cane by William Blacker, Caprice and Costom by Thomas Tod Stoddart, The Virtues of Split Cane by Sir Edward Grey. Long or Short ? by H.T. Sheringham, Rods for Light Line Fishing (Hardy, 1952). *
- Harms, Bill and Tom Whittle, Split and Glued by Vincent C. Marinaro, Stony Creek Rods (2007). *
- Harris, William C. The Anglers Guide Book and Tourists Gazetteer, (1886).
- Hatton, Jefrey L., Rod Crafting, A Full-Collor Pictoral & Written History from 1843 – 1960. Frank Amato (2005), (Book Review). *
- Hawker, Colonel Peter. Instructions to Young Sportsmen, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. (18??) – Includes a mention of London tackle maker Clark making rods containing bamboo as early as 1805.
- Hayter, Tony, F.M. Halford and the Dry-Fly Revolution, Robert Hale, London (2002), – In the chapter ‘Chalk-stream Tackle and Technique’ a few pages about rod lengths (pp. 63 – 65)
- Hayter, Tony, G.E.M. Skues – The Man of the Nymph, Robert Hale, London (2013), – With the chapter ‘The Light Rod Argument’ (pp. 100 – 123).
- Henkin, Harmon. Fly Tackle; a Guide to the Tools of the Trade, Lippincott (1976) – Includes chapters on bamboo rods discussing their usage and history.
- Henkin, Harmon. The Complete Fisherman’s Catalog, Lippincott (1977) – Sections on buying new & vintage bamboo rods. *
- Henshall, James A. Book of the Black Bass, Robert Clarke & Co. (1881) – Includes an early study of the bamboo rod in the U.S.
- Herd, Andrew, The Fly, The Medlar Press Ltd, Ellesmere (2001), – Some pages about the history of the fishing/flyrod ‘The Late Nineteenth Century’ (pp. 216 – 233): ‘ Salmon Rods’, ‘Trout Rods and the Upstream School’, ‘Split Cane’ (Samuel Phillippe og Hiram L. Leonard) , ‘The Twentieth Century’ (pp. 307 – 316): ‘Rods’, ‘The Ferrule Versus the Splice’, ‘Salmon Rods’ .
- Herter, G.L. Professional Split Bamboo Rod Building Manual and Manufacturer’s Guide, Herter (1949) – (152 pp). *
- Herter, G.L. Professional Glass and Split Bamboo Rod Building Manual and Manufacturer’s Guide, Herter (1949), (1953), (1958) – 183 pages.
- Herter, G.L. & Herter, J.P. Secret Fresh & Salt Water Fishing Tricks of the World’s Fifty Best Professional Fisherman: plus the professional secrets of fishing rods and how fishing rods are made, Herter (1953-1965) – 106 pages on bamboo rod building. Appears to be same information that appears in his two previous works listed above.
- Hewitt, Edward R. A Trout and Salmon Fisherman For Seventy-five Years, Scribner’s (1948) – Includes comments on usage and types of cane rods.
- Hogan, Austin & Paul Schullery. The Orvis Story, An Album Commemorating Our 125th Anniversary. Orvis Co. (1980) – History of Orvis including bamboo rodmaking and rodmakers. ( – from the 1981 Catalogue)
- Holden, Dr. George Parker. Streamcraft – An Angling Method, Stewart & Kidd (1919) Some pages about Bamboo Rods and Rodcare in the chapter, ‘Selection, care and rigging of the Rod’ (pp 3 – 10). (Download).
- Holden, Dr. George Parker. The Idyl of the Split Bamboo, Stewart Kidd (1920),
Derrydale (1993), reprint (1999) – Detailed description of bamboo rod building. (Download). *
- Holden, Dr. George Parker. Angling: Recollections and Practice, D.Appleton & Co [1931) – Includes chapter titled “History of the Split Bamboo Rod”.
- Homel, Dan. Antique & Collectable Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide, Forest Park (1997) (2003) – ID & value guide. History of materials & patents. Covers 1875-1950. *
- Homel, Dan. Old Fishing Tackle and Collectibles, Forrest Park (1995) – Includes bamboo and antique wood rods.
- Hørgård, Asbjøn. Sportsfiske som hobby i 65 år, pub. by Hørgård (1985) – Hørgård was a Norwegian company, which made split-cane rods from the mid-30-ties until 1984, closing down in 1992. (38 pp).
- Horrocks-lbbotson. Horrocks-lbbotson, Centennial (1997) – 1949 Catalog Reproduction.
- The Horton Manufacturing Co. Tricks and Knacks of Fishing, The Horton Mfg (1911) – Lists a variety of Bristol fly rods.
- Howell, Jack. The Lovely Reed -An Enthusiasts Guide To Building Bamboo
Fly Rods. Pruett (1998), Jack Howell, Revised Edition (2009) – Comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods. (Foreword by Glenn Bracket part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), (Excerpt) *
- IL 31. Bambus/Bamboo. Institut for leichte Flächentragwerke (IL) Universität Stuttgart (1985) – German. (432 pp). (IL 31, Bambus-Bamboo, Introduction).
- Jacobsen, Preben Torp. Stangbygning: Bygning af splitcane-fluestænger. Flyleaves (1982) – Danish private printing (limited to 1000 copies) (158 pages). *
- Jensen, Poul Buch. Splitcanestænger: Bygning af splitcanestænger. Eget forlag (1974), (1976) reprint (1997) – Danish ( 128 pages). *
- Joannés, Robin. Calcul de l’équilibrage des cannes à mouche à une main par le moulinet. BOSC Frères M. & L. RIOU, Lyon (1937) – Petit ou grand diamètre? Poids lourd ou poids léger? French (67 pp).
- Joannés, Robin. La canne à mouche à truite, cette inconnue. BOSC Frères, Lyon (1940) French (12 pp).
- Joannés, Robin. La canne à mouche à truite, objet d’art: Ce qu’il faut connaitre de la canne à mouche pour savoir la choisir et comment on peut, à volonté, augmenter sa force, et son action. BOSC Frères, Lyon (1946) – Comprehensive French guide to bamboo rods & rod actions. (111 pp).
- Victor R. Johnson & Victor R. Johnson, Jr., Fiberglass Fly Rods: The Evolution of the Modern Fly Rod from Bamboo to Graphite, Centennial Publications (1996) 176 pp. – ‘presents the first historical perspective of the people and companies involved in the dynamic Post-war transition of the American fishing rod from the days of bamboo rods into the modern era of synthetics: fiberglass and graphite’.
- Jones, Bernard E. Fishing Rods and Tackle Making and Mending. Cassell and Company, Ltd. London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, n.d (1923?) – Cassel’s ‘Work” Handbooks. Rods: (pp 1-62).
- Jordan, William H., Jordan The Rodmaker, at Cross, South Bend and Orvis, The Whitefish Press (2010). *
- Keane, M.J. Classic Rods and Rodmakers, (1976, 1979 & 1983) – Primary source for the better bamboo rod makers; does not include mass produced rods. *
- Keene, John Harrington. Fishing Tackle, its Materials and Manufacture, Ward, Lock and Co., London, New York. (1886) – (230 pp).
- Kelly, Mary Kefover. U.S. Fishing Rod Patents and Other Tackle, Thomas B. Reel Co. (1990) – Reference book designed for identification of antique fishing rods and rod/reel combinations.
- Kelson, George M. The Salmon Fly, Self-published, London (1895) – Includes the chapter “The Rod” , Greenheart for Rods, The “Kelson” Rod, Rod Material (pp 277 – 291) (Download). *
- Kelson, George. Tips, Self-published (1901) – Includes comments on casting for distance with bamboo rods.
- Kerr, Thomas C., In Search of Samuel Phillipe Rods, Reel Line Press (2013).
- Kerr, Thomas C., Early American Rods and Rodmakers, Reel Line Press (2013). *
- Kewley, Charles & Howard Farrar. Fishing Tackle for Collectors, Sotheby Parke Bernet. London & NY (1987) – Info on fishing collectables including cane rods and a chapter on Hardy.
- Kirk, Robert, A Fishy Tale, Merlin Massara Publishing (2009), (105 pp) – British rodmaker and former Hardy Bros. employee (Book Rewiew). *
- Kirkfield, Stuart, The Fine Bamboo Fly Rod, A Master’s Secrets of Restoration and Repair, Stackpole (1986) Cork & Cane Press (1999) –
Comprehensive guide to repairing & restoring bamboo fly rods. *
- Knight, John Alden. The Modern Angler, Scribner’s & Sons (1936) – Chapter on bamboo rods.
- Knight, John Alden. Modern Fly Casting, Putnam (1942) – Photos of a Garrison rod in action & notes on rod selection.
- Knight, John Alden. Field Book of Fresh-Water Angling, Putnam (1944) – Chapter on bamboo rod construction and use.
- Knight, John Alden. Fresh-Water Tackle, Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. (1949) – Rods: pp 9-45.
- Koller, Lawrence R. Taking Larger Trout, Little, Brown & Co. (1950) – Comments on Uslan 5 strip rods.
- Koller, Lawrence R. , The Complete Book of Fishing Tackle, Bobs-Merrill Co. (1955) – Includes catalog photos & info on some of the better mass produced cane rods. Lots of info on fiberglass rods and popular reels of the day as well.
- Koller, Lawrence R, Treasury of Angling, Ridge Press (1963).
- Krieder, C.M. The Bamboo Rod and How to Build lt. Macmillan (1951) & Centennial (1992) – Comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods. *
- Kuralt, Charles. Charles Kuralt’s America. Anchor (1996) – Few pages on bamboo rods made by Winston.
- Kustich, Jerry, At the River’s Edge, West River Publishing (2001). – a.o. the chapter: ‘At the River’s Edge’ about the life at The Winston Rod Company, Twin Bridges, the crew, the rodbuilding, the rods, and also later in the chapter: ‘McDuff’s Knutt’. *
- Kustich, Jerry, A Wisp in the Wind, In Search of Bull Trout, Bamboo and Beyond, West River Publishing (2005). *
- Kustich, Jerry, Around the Next Bend, Stackpole/Headwater (2013), – Jerry Kustich tackles a range of subjects, from fly-fishing contests and world records to the difficult subject of the death of loved ones. But whether writing about epic catches of memorable fish, pristine wilderness rivers, or the Booboys’ controversial departure from R. L. Winston Rod Company, for Kustich the story of loss is linked to the story of hope, and both are reflected in the water we fish.
- Lambuth, Letcher. The Angler’s Workshop. Champoeg Press (1979) – Info on rod building including chapter on spiral rod construction. *
- Langer, Harald, Gespliesste Fliegenruten, Schein oder Wirklichkeit ?, Sesam Verlag, Gablitz, Austria (2002) – (64 pp). *
- Lapierre, Charles J., Care and Repair of Fishing Reels and Rods, Fredericton: Craftsmen’s Library #49 (1949) – How to repair rods.
- Larson, Todd E.A., Forgotten Fly Rods Vol. 1, The Whitefish Press (2009). – (Book Review). *
- Larson, Todd E.A., editor, The Magic of Bamboo, Essays on the Bamboo Fly Rod, The Whitefish Press (2012). *
- Larson, Todd E.A., Radical Rodmaking, Innovative Bamboo Fly Rods & Their Makers, The Whitefish Press (2017) – Including: Mark Aroner, Tim Abbott, Wayne Maca, Jeff Hatton, A.J. Thramer, Rob Smith, Tycoon Rods, Bob Clay, Kurt Zumbrunn, Joe Arguello, Tom Smithwick and the chapter: “The Braided Bamboo Fly Rod” where Jeff Hatton tries out a 125 years old idea. *
- Lawson, George S. Jr. Lawson’s Price Guide to Old Fishing Rods & Misc. Tackle, pub.(1998) – Large ID & value guide.
- Liese, Walter. Bamboos – Biology, silvics, properties, utilisation, Schriftenreihe der GTZ; No. 180 (1985) – (132 pp).
- Liese, Walter & Köhl, Michael. Bamboo – The Plant and its Uses, Springer (2015). – Hb. pp. 356, 156 ill. (Springforelle).
Lindsø. Roar, The Lindsø Collection, pp. 642, Roar Lindsø, Norway (2016), 3. edition. (1. and 2. edition in 2013). – With text and fotos in the chapter Classic Bamboo Rods ( pp. 463 – 527) with rods from H. L. Leonard, Edward vom Hofe, Harold S. “Pinky” Gillum, Edwards, Hardy, P. D. Malloch and Sharpe, and in the chapter Classic Greeheart Rods (pp. 530 – 561) with rods from Alexander Grant, Playfair Grants Vibration, William Garden. m.m. *
- Lingren, Art, Peter McVey – The Bamboo Rod Building Blue Belt Conversationalist, xx pages, Privately publised (2018) – about rodmaker Peter McVey (1939 – 2019).
- Lingren, Art, Bob Clay – A Man with a Passion for Steelhead, Fly Fishing and Building Bamboo Fly Rods, 74 pages. Privately published (2020). –
- Liu, Alan J. American Sporting Collector’s Handbook, Stoeger Publishing Company (1977) & revised (1982) – Includes article titled “Split-Cane Rods” by Len Codella with Ernest Schwiebert.
- Lyons, Nick. Fisherman’s Bounty, Crown (1970).
- Lyons, Nick. Fishing Widows, (1974) – Includes the chapter ‘The Legacy’.
- Lyons, Nick. Confessions of a Fly Fishing Addict, (1989) – Includes the chapter ‘In a Tackle Closet’.
- Major, Harlan. Salt Water Fishing Tackle, Funk & Wagnalls (1939 & revised 1948) – Includes photos of inside the South Bend rod factory. Chapters include: Man’s first fishing equipment, How to make rods, Development of modern fishing tackle.
- Manchester Angler’s Association. Angler’s Evenings, Manchester Anglers Association. (1894) – Contains chapter on split cane rods by E.R. Austin.
- Mansfield, Kenneth. The Art of Angling, The Caxton Publ. Comp. Ltd., London (195?) Vol. 1, Chapter 2: Rod Making : pp 169-177, by Richard Walker.
- Mansfield, Kenneth. Fly Tying, Rod & Tackle Making, Barrie & Jenkins LTD., London (1971) & (1978) – Rods: How to Make Them: pp 77-133, by J.B. Walker. Includes some fly & spinning rod tapers.
- Marden, Luis. The Angler’s Bamboo. Lyons (1997) – Cultivation & processing in China. History of use from 1800’s to Leonard. *
- Marinaro, Vincent. In the Ring of the Rise, Crown (1976) – Rod builder who describes his theories on rod action & balance. (Excerpt 1), (Excerpt 2), (Excerpt 3), (Excerpt 4), (Excerpt 5), (Excerpt 6), (Excerpt 7). *
- Marshall, ED. Rod Building for Rock and Surf, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, London (1948) & (1951) – Australian guide to building rods made of wood (72 pp).
- Marshall, Mel. Care & Repair of Fishing Tackle, Winchester (1976) – Includes a few pages on cane rod care & repair.
- Marshall, Mel. How to Make Your Own Fishing Rods, Outdoor Life (1978) – Includes just a few pages on cane rods.
- Martin, Darrel, The Fly-Fishers Craft – The Art and History, The Lyons Press (2006) – Incl. the chapter ‘The Loop Rod’. (Book Review). *
- Mason, Jerry. The American Sportsman Treasury, Knopf (1971) – Includes the article “The Ultimate Fly Rod” by L.M. Wright Jr.
- Mather, Fred. Men I Have Fished With, Forrest & Stream (1897) Mather, Fred. My Angling Friends, Forrest & Stream (1901).
- Mayer, Alfred M. Sport With Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters, The Century Co. N.Y. (1883) – Mention of an early bamboo rod made by William Blackerin in 1852.
- Maurer, George E. & Elser, Bernard P. Fundamentals of Building A Bamboo Fly Rod, Countryman Press (1998) – Comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods. (Book Review). *
- Maxwell, Herbert. Salmon and Sea Trout, (1898) – Chapter on tackle with discussion of bamboo rods and salmon fishing with double built steel centered rods.
- Mendoza, George, Secret Places of Trout Fishermen, Macmillan Pub Co (1977) – Many references to cane.
- McClane, A J. (ed). The Wise Fisherman’s Encyclopedia, Wm H. Wise & Co. (1951) – Contains about 60 pages on Cane Rod Building by Lou Feirabend. Also Lou Stoner on fishing rods.
- McClane, A.J. The Practical Fly Fisherman, Prentice Hall (1953 & 1975) – Contains chapter on bamboo rods including a discussion of the pros and cons of 4 & 5 strip rods.
- McClane, A.J. (ed). McClane’s Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide, Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1965) – Contains 15 pages on rod building.
- McClane, A.J. (ed). McClane’s New Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide, Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1965) – Contains 25 pages on rod building.
- McClane, A.J. Fishing With McClane, Prentice-Hall (1975) – Includes chapters titled ‘The Fly Rod That Does the Impossible’ & ‘The Golden Age of Tackle Making’.
- McClane, A.J. The Compleat McClane, Truman Talley (1988) – Includes chapter titled ‘The Case for the Flea Rod’.
- McClure, F.A. The Bamboos, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. (1966) & Oxford University Press, London.
- McNalley, Tom (ed). Fisherman’s Digest – First Annual Edition, John, Paul & Co. (1958) – Contains article titled “Paul Young – Master Rod Builder” by Jack Van Coevering. Includes many photos.
- Melner, S & H. Kessler. Great Fishing Tackle Catalogs of the Golden Age, Crown (1972) Reprints of pre-1930 tackle catalogs, some which include bamboo fishing rods.
- Middleton, Harry. The Earth is Enough, Simon and Schuster (1989) – Including the Chapter “Karens Pool”. *
- Middleton, Harry. The Bright Country, Simon and Schuster (1993) – Including the Chapter “The Magic Hours”, with a passage (pp. 227 – 230) about George Maurer, his rodbuilding and the Starlight Creek Model. *
- Middleton, Harry. In That Sweet Country, Skyhorse Publishing (2010) – Including the Chapter “Classic Cane” – (appeared in Fly Rod & Reel in 1989). *
- Milward, Bob. Bamboo: Fact, Fiction and Flyrods, Self-Published (2001) -A comprehensive guide to building bamboo fly rods.
- Milward, R.E., Bamboo, Fact, Fiction and Flyrods – 2, Bob Milward (2010). *
- Moon, Ralph W., editor, Bamboo, a Collection of Essays by and for Bamboo Rodmakers – Bob Nunley, Ralph W. Moon, Mark Wendt, Sean Moran, Chris Bogart, Adam Vigil, Tony Young and John Dufford. (Download) *
- Moon, Ralph W., Bamboo Heresies, The Whitefish Press (2012). *
- Moss, G. Lawton. How to Build Your Own Split Cane Fishing Rod, The Technical Press LTD., London (1947) – 32 pages of instructions for the amateur rod builder.
- Moss, G. Lawton. How to Build Your Own Match Fishing Rod, The Technical Press LTD., London (1950) – (58 pp).
- Moss, G. Lawton. How to Build and Repair Your Own Fishing Rod : a manual of instruction for the enthusiastic amateur, Part 1: Split Cane Rods, Part 2: Match and Dapping Rods, Part 3: Reparing Rods, (96 pp), The Technical Press, London (1969) – contains revised and expanded editions of Col. Lawton Moss’s works – How to Build Your Own Split Cane Fishing Rod and How to Build Your Own Match Fishing Rod, Plus a new chapter on the repairing of rods of all kinds. *
- Montague Rod & Reel Co. Montague Rod & Reel Co. Reproduction Catalog, Centennial (1992) – 1939 Catalog Reproduction.
Murray, William. Gone Fishing with cane, Self published, (2024), (466 pages) – The book covers bamboo and wood fishing rods manufactured between 1850 to 1980. It lists over 250 manufacturers and give details and a valuation guide to over 5000 vintage fishing rods. *
- Netherton, Cliff. History of the Sport of Casting: People, Events, Records, Tackle & Literature, Early Times, Am. Casting Education Fndn. (1981) – Articles on competitions, scores & records from 1860-1955, photos of fishing tackle.
- Netherton, Cliff. History of the Sport of Casting: Golden Years 1907-1938, Am. Casting Education Fndn. (1983) – Tackle ads, photos of writers, inventors, manufacturers and fishing tackle.
- Nilsson, Scott, Crafting a Bamboo Fly Rod : A Practical Guide to Making Your First Bamboo Fly Rod, 182 pages, High Desert Fly Rods (2016) – (Teaser)
- Norris, Thaddeus. The American Angler’s Book, Porter & Coates, Philadelphia (1864) Sampson Low, Son & Co., London (1865) – E. H. Butler & Co (1865) (Download) (Download) – the chapters ‘Trout Rods’ pp. 308 – 312, (Download), ‘Salmon Rods’ pp. 345 – 347, (Download) ‘Rod Making’ pp. 441 – 456, (Download).
- Nunley, Robert L. Extreme Flyfishing, Self published (2002) – A collection of short stories by Rodmaker Bob Nunley.
- Nunley, Robert L., The Snake Rod and Other Stories from the Rodmaker’s
Bench, Whitefish Press (2010). *
- Olsson, Jennifer, Cast Again, Tales of a Fly-Fishing Guide, Lyons and Burford (1996), – Includes the chapter ‘Split Cane’. *
- Olsson, Jennifer, Fly Fishing the River of Second Chances – Life, Love and a River in Sweden, St. Martin Press, (2003) – Includes the chapter ‘Cigar Smoke and Split Cane’. *
- Osten, Earl, Tournament Fly & Bait-Casting, A.S.Barnes & Co. (1946) – Has some rod tapers for each event.
- Oppel, Frank, Fishing in North America; 1876-1910, Castle Books (1986) – Includes bamboo rod article from 1876 Scribner’s Monthly titled ‘Notes on Salmon Fishing’.
- Orvis Co. Building An Orvis Rod – Graphite, Boron/Graphite, Bamboo, and Fiberglass, Orvis (197?) – Small booklet on building a rod from Orvis Fly & Spin rod kits. Includes many guide spacings.
- Overfield, T. Donald, G.E.M. Skues: The Way of a Man with a Trout, Ernest Benn Limited, London (1977) – With the chapters “Mr. Leonard and Mr. Skues” (pp. 50 – 58), and “Skues’ “World’s Best Rod” – an Appreciation” (with measurements, pp. 59 – 64).
- Payne & Co. E. F. Payne Rod Co. Reproduction Catalogs, Centennial (1994) – 1931-1951-1975 Catalog Reproductions.
- Payne & Co. E. F. Payne Rod Co. Corporate Record Book, Centennial (199?) – 1930-1968 Corporate Record Book & History. Does not contain information on rods.
- Pequegnot, Jean-Paul. Cart de la pêche a la mouche séche, Flammarion, Paris (1981) L’èquipement: la canne: pp 17-48.
- Phillips, Bill. The Trout Stream and Rod: An Informal Manual, William A. Phillips (1976) – Comments and formulas dealing with rod action.
- Phillips, Don. The Technology of Fly Rods, Frank Amato (2000) – How fly rod technology has evolved since the earlist of times including materials, manufacturing processes and design. (Book Review). *
Piper Fliegenfischen überall, Neumann Verlag (1955) – p. 50, seite über die Pflege von Seidenschnüren.
- Powell, E.C. Essays on Fly Fishing. Powell Rod Co. (1989) – Includes articles titled : A Discourse on Trout Angling and Tackle, 1919. The Mechanics of Fly Casting and Subjects Closely Related, 1937. Short Common Sense Treatise on Fly Rod Construction, 1937.
- Quinn, Tom. Collecting Fishing Tackle; A Beginner’s Guide, Sportsman Press (1994).
- Quinn, Tom. Last of the Line, David & Charles (1999) – Includes chapter on a split cane fishing rodmaker.
- Raymond, Steve. Rivers of the Heart, Lyons Press, (1998) – Chapter on rodmaker Letcher Lambuth.
- Reinard, Ken. The Colonial Angler’s Manual of Flyfishing & Flytying, Fox Chapel, (1995) – Few pages & photos on some of the oldest bamboo rods including a Samuel Phillippe Rod.
- Reynolds, Chase D. Old Masters of the West, Country Roads Pr. (1993) – Chapter on rodmaker Ralph Moon and bamboo.
- Rickards, Barrie & Whitehead, Ken. Fishing Tackle: Making, Maintenance and Improvement, Adam and Charles Black, LTD., London (1981) – Rods: pp 3-52.
- Ritz, Charles C. A Flyfishers Life, (1956) & revised (1972) – including the chapters “The split cane fly rod” (pp 57-66), “Fifty years of research and rod designing” (pp 67-73). (280 pp). – Excerpt: ‘Fly rods are like women‘, ‘How to select a cane rod ..‘, ‘When should you choose a rod?’, ‘My method of examining a cane rod’, ‘How to determine the quality of a cane rod’s action‘, ‘The uniformity of cane rod tips‘, ‘Malformation, weakness‘, ‘How I began working with split bamboo‘, ‘The perfecting of prototypes …‘, ‘My methods of trial and perfection‘, ‘What I demand of a good fly rod‘, ‘Rods made to measure’, ‘Comments on the ideal action P.P.P.’. – Charles Ritz (1891 – 1976) was a Hotel owner and Pezon et Michel rod designer, who spent a lot of time analyzing the technical propensities of the bamboo rod. *
- Ritz, Charles C. Erlebtes Fliegenfischen, Albert Müller Verlag, A.G., Rüschlikon-Zürich [1956] Die Fliegenrute: pp 83-94. Verlagsnummer 515/56. German (230 pp).
- Ritz, Charles C. Pris sur le vif, Paris, Librairie des Champs-Elysées,1953, Edition originale. Couverture illustrée, 282 pages, 46 dessins dans le texte et 32 planches de photographies en noir et blanc.
- Robson, Kenneth (editor). The Essential GEM. Skues, Lyons [1998] – Comments on usage of Leonard rods. – ‘Rods and Lines’ (pp. 113–119), (‘The ‘World’s Best Rod”, Eddie Mills, Priddis and my Leonards’ , ‘Leonard rods’, ‘Skues’s Leonard rods’, ‘Qualities of a rod’).
- Roederer, Scott. The Complete Angler’s Catalog, Johnson (1985)
- Roosevelt and Green. Hatching Fish and Catching Fish, pub. (1897) – Has some older rod building info.
- Sawyer, Frank, Nymphs and the Trout, (1970).
- Schaaf, James (Jim) W. & Gerald (Jerry) S. Stein, Dickerson. The Man and His Rods, Centennial (1991) – A historical account of rodmaker Lyle Dickerson. *
- Schrooten, Hein, S. Splitcanerods for Fly-Fishing, Self-published (1997) – Comprehensive manual to building bamboo rods. Limited editions published in English, Dutch, German, French & Norwegian. *
- Schullery, Paul and Austin, The Orvis Story, Commemorating The 125th Anniversary Of The Orvis Company, The Orvis Company, Inc. (1980).
- Schullery, Paul, American Fly Fishing -A History, Lyons (1987) – Historical look at the American roots of fly fishing including cane rods.
- Schullery, Paul, Royal Coachman – The Lore and Legends of Fly-Fishing, Simon and Schuster (1999) – The chapter ‘Arts and Craft’ with some pages about “Classic Bamboo Rods”. *
- Schullery, Paul & Hogan, Austin. The Orvis Story, An Album Commemorating Our 125th Anniversary. Orvis Co. (1980) – History of Orvis including bamboo rodmaking and rodmakers. ( – from the 1981 Catalogue).
- Schullery, Paul, The Orvis Story – 150 Years of an American Sporting Tradition, The Orvis Company, Inc. (2006), – With the chapters ‘Wes Jordan and A Better Fly Rod’ and ‘The Chinese Connection’.
- Schwiebert, E. Nymphs, Winchester Press (1973) – Some history and comments on cane rods for nymph fishing. Pp. 27-38, ‘Some Notes on Nymph-Fishing Tackle’ – a.o. P&M ‘Sawyer Nymph’, Paul Young ‘Parabolic Fifteen’, Everett Garrison, Orvis.*
- Schwiebert, E. Trout, Dutton (1978) – Two volume set with section on bamboo fly rods & their makers. *
- Schwiebert, E. Trout Tackle – Two, Dutton (1984) – History of bamboo fly rods & their makers taken from Trout (listed above). Over 150 rods illustrated.
- Schwiebert, E. The Compleat Schwiebert, Truman Talley (Dutton) (1990) – Includes chapter “The Alchemy of Bamboo. ” Other chapters include references to the use of bamboo fly rods & their makers.
- Scott, Genio C. Fishing in American Waters, Harper (1869) (revised 1875) (reprint 1989 & 1993) – Offers a complete rundown of early fishing tackle. (Magic in a good Fly-Rod, page 173: Fly Rods).
- Scott, Jock, Greased Line Fishing for Salmon, Compiled from the Fishing Papers of the late A.H.E. Wood, of Glassel, Strangeways Press (1950), chapter 2, ‘Tackle’, – A.H.E. Wood describes about balance and weight in Hardy’s twohand-rods compared with american, which lead to Hardy’s ‘A.H.E. Wood Rods’. *
- Scott, Kathy, Moose in the Water I Bamboo on the Bench: A Journal and a Journey, Alder Creek Publishing (2001). *
- Scott, Kathy, Headwaters Fall As Snow, Alder Creek Publishing (2003). *
- Scott, Kathy, Changing Planes, Alder Creek Publishing (2008), (Book Rewiew). *
- Scott, Kathy, Brook Trout Forest, Alder Creek Publishing (2011) – “K.S. invites us into her daily life where we discover a love for bamboo fly rods, brook trout and wild places.” *
- Scott, Kathy, The Letters to Everett Garrison, Alder Creek Publishing (2016) – *
- Shaw, Fred. G., F.G.S., The Complete Science Of Fly Fishing And Spinning, The Macmillian Company, New York (1915) – The Chapter: ‘The Action And Qualities Of A Perfect Trout Rod’ pp. 214-225. (Download).
- Sheringham, Hugh & John C. More (edited by), The Book of the Fly Rod, Houghton Mifflin (1921), The Derrydale Press (1993) – Essays by 17 prominent authors who offer their knowledge of every aspect of fly fishing.
- Sherwood, Patrica Miller (ed.). An Honest Angler: The Best of Sparse Grey Hackle, Lyons (1998) – Contains chapters ‘Small Rods’, ‘Letter to Hoagy Carmichael Jr.’ & ‘Father of the Fly Rod’.
- Sinclair, Michael & Dick Spurr. Colorado Classic Cane, Centennial (1991) – A history of the Colorado bamboo rodmakers. (M. Sinclair). *
- Sinclair, M. Fishing Rods by Divine, Centennial (1993) – History of Fred Divine and the Divine Rod co. (M. Sinclair).
- Sinclair, Michael, Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook, Centennial (1994) – Michael’s Bamboo Books (2006) Original Product Specs. for 95% of fly rods made in the U.S. (M. Sinclair). *
- Sinclair, Michael, Heddon. The Rod with the Fighting Heart, Centennial (1997) – Historical account of all Heddon models. (M. Sinclair). *
- Sinclair, Michael, Granger Rods, Goodwin Granger, The Rod Man From Denver, Michael Sinclair (2010) – (Rewiew) (M. Sinclair). *
- Skues, G.E.M., Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream, xxx (1910), Easton Press (1996), – the chapter ‘Incidentally of the Light Rod on Chalk Streams’, – Some pages about ‘The Light Rod’. *
- Smedley, Harold. Who’s Who and What’s What in Fly and Bait Casting in the U.S.; 1864-1941, pub. (1941).
- Smith, J. L. A Collector’s Identification and Value Guide: Antique Rods and Reels – Popular Rods and Reels of the 1930’s and 1940’s. The Fishing Co., Columbus, Ohio (1986) pp. 56. – Illustrated with black & white catalog images.
- Smith, Larry. M. Great Tackle Advertisements: 1874-1955, pub. (199?) – 100’s of magazine ads & catalogs from obscure to well know tackle manufacturers.
- Smith, O.W. Casting Tackle & Methods, Stewart (1920) – Covers older tackle.
- Smith, Red. Red Smith On Fishing, Doubleday (1963) – Contains a few pages regarding a visit to the Payne rod shop.
- Smith, Robert D., Robert W. Crompton: Father of the Five Strip Bamboo Fly Rod, The Whitefish Press (2018)
- Soos, Frank. Bamboo Fly Rod Suite : Reflections on Fishing and the Geography of Grace, Univ. of Georgia Press (1999) – Fictional story based around an old bamboo fly rod. *
- Southard, Charles Zibeon, Trout Fly-Fishing in America, E. P. Dutton & Company, New York (1914) – Chapters: pp. 75-89, ‘The Fly-Rod And Its Function’, pp. 99-103 ‘The Rod’ (Download).
- Sparse Grey Hackle (aka Alfred W. Miller), Fishless Days, Angling Nights, Crown Publishers (1971), – In the chapter ‘The Magic Carpet’ – a few pages about Tonkin v. Calcutta cane, – ‘African Steel Vine’. *
- John A. Spear, Sewell N. Dunton and the Montague City Rod & Reel Company, The Whitefish Press (2019) –
- Spurr, D. The Classic Chronicle’s Value Guide For Bamboo Fly Rods, Centennial (1999) – A special edition of the Classic Chronicle catalog with a listing of current bamboo fly rod values.
- Spurr, D. Classic Bamboo Rodmakers: Past & Present, Centennial (1992) – Brief biographical info and photos of 45 classic American bamboo rodmakers. Supplements Keane’s book. *
- Spurr & G. Jordon. Wes Jordon: Profile of a Rodmaker, Centennial (1992) – Insight on Wes Jordon and other rodmakers.
- Spurr, Dick & Michael Sinclair. Colorado Classic Cane, Centennial (1991) – A history of the Colorado bamboo rodmakers. (M. Sinclair). *
- Stein, Gerald (Jerry) S. & James (Jim) W. Schaaf. Dickerson. The Man and His Rods, Centennial (1991) – A historical account of rodmaker Lyle Dickerson. *
- Stewart & Girard. F. E. Thomas, The Man and his Rods, The Two Curmudgeon Press (2015) – (488 pp.). (Book Rewiew).
- Stone, Peter. Rod Making, Arco Publications, London (1961) – (150 pp).
- Stoner, Lew, The Lew Stoner Winston Letters, Whitefish Press (2012). *
- Stoner, Lew, The Lew Stoner – Ted Trueblood Letters, Whitefish Press (2014). *
- Stoner, Lew, The Rodmaking Writings of Lew Stoner, Whitefish Press (2015). *
- Strang, G. N., The diary of a rod, An account of making a split bamboo fly rod, G. N. Strang (2007). *
- Sturgis, W.B. & Eric Taverner. New Lines for Flyfishers, Derrydale (1936) & Seeley, Service & Co., London (1946) – Describes deflection board techniques to flex rods, matched rods to weight of line in grains and approximated the numbering system used today. Also contains a chart on Hardy rods.
- Suder, Poul. Fra Græsstraa til Fiskestang: Split-Cane Stangens Konstruktion og Problemer, Gjellerup, København (1955), Danish. (179 pp). – about 5-sided rods. *
- Tapply, H.G. Tackle Tinkering, Barnes (1946) – Includes tips on bamboo rods and their care.
- Taunton Press. Fine Woodworking on Woodshop Specialties, Taunton Press (1987) Published by Fine Woodworking Magazine. – Contains 6 page reprint from magazine on bamboo rod building by L.A. Beitz.
- Taylor, Stillman, The Home Rodmaker: Building Saltwater, Bait Casting, and Fly Rods from Wood & Bamboo, The Whitefish Press (2018) – Edited and with an Introduction by Dr. Tod E.A. Larson. *
- Traver, Robert. (a.k.a. Voelker, John D.) Trout Madness, Northmont Publishing Co. (1992) – short passage in the chapter: ‘Spots Before the Eyes’, p.139: – “I’ll take split bamboo. To my mind there is no fairy wand in creation more graceful and beautiful than a good bamboo fly rod. They look so good; they feel so good. Like fingerprints, no two bamboo rods are alike; each is an individual possessed of its own unique character and one that a fisherman can really get to know.” *
- Traver, Robert. (a.k.a. Voelker, John D.) Trout Magic, Crown (1974), Altwerger and Mandel Publishing Company (1992) – Chapter on rodmaker Morris Kushner. *
- Turner, Graham. Fishing Tackle: A Collectors Guide, Ward Loch (1989 & 1995), Calm Productions (2009) – A collectors guide to British & American fishing tackle, mostly about reels and some on accessories and artificial bait. Some pages with lists on Hardy rods. *
- Vare, Alan & Whitehead, Ken., Alf. Rod Building, Rod and Gun Publishing LTD, London, (1975) – Useful info on sheet cork & cord grips, mounting ferrules.
- Voelker, John D., (aka, Robert Traver), Trout Madness, Northmont Publishing Co. (1992) – Short passage in the chapter: ‘Spots Before the Eyes’, p.139: – “I’ll take split bamboo. To my mind there is no fairy wand in creation more graceful and beautiful than a good bamboo fly rod. They look so good; they feel so good. Like fingerprints, no two bamboo rods are alike; each is an individual possessed of its own unique character and one that a fisherman can really get to know.” *
- Voelker, John D., (aka, Robert Traver), Trout Magic, Crown (1974), Altwerger and Mandel Publishing Company (1992) – With the chapter “Morris the Rodmaker” about Morris Kushner. *
- Walker, Alf. The Art and Craftsmanship of Fly Fishing, Personal Library, Toronto (1980) – Page 62 – 111, Chapter on rods including history, design and action. (272 pp). *
- Walker, J.B. Rods and How To Make Them, Herbert Jenkins LTD., London (1959) – 65 page book on rod building. Some tapers (on 12″ intervals), covers all sorts of rods.
- Walker, J.B. Concise Notes on Rod Making for the Practical Angler, Hythe, Kent, n.d., ca. (1960) – Information on building rods from Walker’s kits, including split cane. (32 pp).
- Walker, Richard. Rod Building for Amateurs, Belfield and Bushell, LTD., Folkstone, Kent (1952) – (95 pp). (Download)
- Walton, Isaac. The Compleat Angler, London (1856) – This 1856 edition contains a mention by the publisher of Henry C. Bohn making rods with bamboo. (
- Wells, H.P. Fly Rods and Fly Tackle, Harper & Brothers, New York (1885) & Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, London (1885) – Older cane rod construction info. 1901 edition has revisions. 1994 reprint is of the 1885 edition. (Download). *
- Whiffen, Edwin T. Bamboo Lore: Notes on Making, Wrapping and Repairing Bamboo Fly Rods, The Whitefish Press (2018) – Edited and with an Introduction by Dr. Todd E.A. Larson. *
- White, David G. Bamboo culture and utilization in Puerto Rico, (34 pages), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Circular 29, (1948) –
- White, Karl T. Fishing Tackle Antiques & Collectibles; Reference & Evaluation, pub. (1993) – Pre-1960 fishing Rods, Reels etc.
- White, Phil. Winchester Fishing Tackle: A Collector’s Guide, pub. (19??) – History & photos of fishing tackle.
- Wilkinson, A. G. Salmon Fishing (1883) – chapter about rodmaking.
- Wilson, Dermot. The Truth About Tackle: trout fly tackle. Privately published, Nether Wallop (c. 1970) – Includes info regarding cane & fiberglass rods, types of rods, fittings and rod actions.
- Winchester Co. 1924 Winchester Fishing Tackle Catalog, pub. (199?) – Reprint of 1924 Winchester tackle catalog.
- Winchester Co. 1927 Winchester Product Catalog, pub. (199?) – Reprint of entire 1927 Winchester product catalog.
- Winchester Co. Winchester Fishing Tackle Catalog 1933, pub. (199?) – Reprint of 1933 Winchester rod catalog.
- Winchester Co. 1927 Winchester Product Catalog, pub. (199?) – Reprint of entire 1927 Winchester product catalog.
- Winter, Dr. A. Angelsport, Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, München und Berlin (1929) – III. Teil, Flugangeln, Gerätekunde: Gerte, Rolle und Schnur. Seite 4 –
Woit, Steve. Fly Fishing Treasures, pp. 348, Privately published by the author. (2018) – including Rod Treasures: A.J. Campbell, (1942-2018) Author and expert on antique American fly rods and fly tackle. Hoagy Carmichael, The Impresario: Leading antique tackle expert and bamboo fly rod maker and author. Short History of the Innovative American Bamboo Fly Rod. Jeff Hatton, Gnomish Rod Works and the Gnome’s Traveling Rod Show. Per Brandin, Master Fly Rod Maker. (About the Book). *
- Wolff, Dick. Fishing Tackle and Techniques, E.P. Dutton & Co., New York (1961) – Chapters on rods and rod actions.
- Wright, L. M. Jr. Fly-Fishing Heresies: A New Gospel For American Anglers, Winchester Press, (1975) – Chapter titled “Long Live the Long Rod”.
- Wright, L. M. Jr. (ed.). The Fly Fisher’s Reader, Simon & Schuster (1990) – Chapter on Hiram Leonard by Sparse Grey Hackle.
- Wright, L. M. Jr. Trout Maverick: Fly-Fishing Heresies and Tactics, Lyons & Burford (1996) – Includes chapters titled “The Ultimate Fly Rod” and “Long Live the Long Rod”.
- Wright, William. Fishes and Fishing, Thomas Cautley Newby (1858) – Includes a mention of London tackle maker Clark making rods with bamboo as early as 1805.
- Young, P.H. Making and Using the Dry Fly, pub. (1934) & Centennial (1992) – Written by rodmaker Paul H. Young. *
- Young, P.H. More Fishing-Less Fussing: Paul H. Young Co. Reproduction Catalog, Centennial (1994) – 1956 Catalog Reproduction.
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