Updated 24-11-2024.
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Currently Published Periodicals:
Bamboo Journal – IBRA Online Newsletter. Italian online periodical, published by IBRA (Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association).
All issues are to be downloaded in Italian and English
NEW: Database. Database that gathers all the articles published in the Bamboo Journal. on rodmaking techniques, equipment and machinery, the history of rodmaking, profiles of rodmakers, reports on events and gatherings.
The Planing Form, – American “newsletter”
Published 6 times a year. Out of Print.
Subscription: Kirk Brummels, clamriverclassics@yahoo.com, Clamriverclassics.com
Back issues from Jan/Feb 2015: Kirk Brummels, clamriverclassics@yahoo.com, Clamriverclassics.com
Back issues until Nov/Dec 2014: aldercreekpublishing.com
The Planing Form Newsletter… The First 25 Years. Now available; a DVD with all 150 back issues, year 1990 to 2014 and a 174 page, hard copy index, organized in a 6 category table of contents. Search more than 1500 pages of rod making history by dates, titles, authors, tapers, ads and places/events!
For more information or to order contact: Ron Barch at aldercreek@core.com or aldercreekpublishing.com
Power Fibers Online Magazine – American online periodical.
Published 4 times a year. Is up and running again.
Backissue Index, Backissue Descriptions.
- Advanced Materials & Composites News (USA), 1999, Foam Core Puts Pith in Composite Fly Rods That Replicate Bamboo Published by the Composites Worldwide, Inc.
- Advances in Bioengineering (USA), BED V.26 – 1993, (pp 251-254) Fly Rod Performance (Graig Spolek), published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Includes bamboo rods as part of a study of rods made of several different materials.
- African Angler, Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine (South Africa). Look for: “Southern African Flyfishing”.
- Akron Beacon Journal (USA), March 3, 1989, Quality Does Still Mean Something: Maker Of Bamboo Fishing Rods Believes In Craftsmanship (Tom Melody) – article on Todd Young of Paul H. Young Co.
- Albuquerque Journal (USA), July 24, 1997, Fly Rods Demand Ultimate Precision (Bill Dyroff) – article on rodmaker Chuck ????
- Allentown Morning Call (USA), May 8, 1997, Old Rod Maker Made Fishing A Gentle Art – Samuel Phillippe of Easton Developed The Pole That Has Evolved Into What Is Used Today (S.M Parkhill) – article on rodmaker Samuel Phillippe.
- Allentown Morning Call, May 30, 1999, Berks Angler Teaches The 150-Year-Old Art (Tom Fegely) – article on rodmaker George Maurer.
- American Angler (USA) , 1889, – contains a Rodmaking article by Norman E. Spaulding.
- American Angler (Fly Tyer, American Fly Tyer, American Angler & Fly Tyer), (USA).
- American Fly Tyer, Spring 1987, pp. 5, REC Co. has purchased the Payne Rod Co. (Short note) – Using the old Payne machinery and stock of cane they intend to begin producing bamboo fly rods which duplicate the designs and tapers developed by Jim Payne. *
- American Fly Tyer, Winter 1987, pp. 20 – 21, Starting a Rod Collecting (Robert E. Rumpf). *
- American Angler & Fly Tyer, Spring 1989, pp. 14, Wood Rod Case (Gary Saindon). *
- American Angler, March/April 1997, Buying Bamboo” & “What’s New in Bamboo (David Klausmeyer)
- American Angler, January/February 1999, Refinish a Bamboo Fly Rod (David Klausmeyer)
- American Angler, November/December 2006. Choosing Cane (Zach Matthews) – Writers and Enthusiasts have been so busy describing the recent “resurgence” of bamboo in the fly-fishing world, it’s easy to forget that cane rods never actually went away. (Download).
- American Craft (USA), Aug/Sept. 1985, pp. 34 – 41, Hoagy B. Carmichael, Master Builder of the Bamboo Fly Rod (Malabar Hornblower and William S. Brewster) –
- American Fly Fisher (USA), American Museum of Fly Fishing, P.O. Box 42, Manchester, VT 05254.
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 1, no. 1, Winter 1974, pp. 6-9, Dating Guide For Vintage Rods, (Martin J. Keane), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 1974, pp. 10-13, The Fly Rod Splice, (Kenneth Cameron), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 1974, pp. 18-19, Making A First Class Fly Rod (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 1 , no. 4, Fall 1974, pp. 22-23, Letcher Lambuth, (Steve Raymond), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 2, no. 1, Winter 1975, pp. 19-20, The Model Fishing Rod And Line, (Henry P. Wells), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 2, no. 2, Spring 1975, pp. 13, History Of The Split Bamboo, (T. S. Morrell), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 2, no. 4, Fall 1975, pp. 2-5, Henry Parkhurst Wells: 1842-1904, (A. l. Alexander), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 4, no. 1, Winter 1977, pp. 6-7, Patents, (Ruth W. Upson), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 4, no. 1, Winter 1977, pp. 29, Memorial To A Rodmaker -Charles Frazee Murphy (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 4, no 3, Summer 1977, pp. 6-25, Catalogues, Abbey & Imbrie 1882, Allcock & co. 1887, Charles F. Orvis 1900 (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 4, no. 3 Summer 1977, pp. 29-31, American Silkworms, (Charles F. Orvis), (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 5, no. 3, Summer 1978, pp. 15-17, Highlights of the Leonard-Hawes Collection (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 6, no. 1, Winter 1979, pp. 12-14 + 24-28, Early Leonard, (Mary Kefover Kelly) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 6 no. 1, Winter 1979, pp. 15-19, A Guide To Antique Rod Woods, (H. P. Wells) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 6, no. 4, Fall 1979, pp. 15-18, Kosmic Rods – Mysterious Masterpieces (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 6, no. 4, Fall 1979, pp. 20-22, An Extraordinary Acquisition. The Daniel Webster Rod (xx) – Made by the New York tackle firm of B. D. Welch (in existense from 1881) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 1980, pp. 1, The Great Rodmakers (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 1980, pp. 16-17, The Charles Murphy Rods (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 7, no. 4, Fall 1980, pp. 12-20, Thomas Chubb, (Mary Kefover Kelly) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 1981, pp. 30-31, Origins of the Paul Young Midge, (Herbert F. D’Sinter) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 8, no. 3, Summer 1981, pp. 16-19, The Howells-Leonard Rod (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 8, no. 4, Fall 1981, pp. 9-14, George Parker Holden, (Hoagy B. Carmichael) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 10, no. 1, Winter 1983, pp. 17-19, The Monogram Enigma – A pleasant mystery from Alnwick (Jim Schaaf) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 11, no. 3, Summer 1984, pp. 2-7, Spalding And The Kosmic Connections, (Mary Kefover Kelly) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 12, no. 2, Spring 1985, pp. 16-21, Lyle Linden Dickerson, Rodmaker- Part I , (Tim Bedford) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 12, no. 3, Summer 1985, pp. 10-18, Lyle Linden Dickerson, Rodmaker- Part II , (Tim Bedford) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 2-3, Split Bamboo Rods, (T. S. Morrell) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 4-7, Making Split Bamboo Rods – Amateur Work, (T. S. Morrell) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 8-10, The Split Bamboo Rod – Its History Etc., (William Mitchell) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, p. 10, The Split Bamboo Rod – Its History Etc., (Iskender) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, p. 11, The Split Bamboo Rod From A German Viewpoint, (Lawrence D. Alexander) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol.13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 12-15, Anleitung Zur Angel-Fischerei- Pertinent Excerpts, (Richard C. Hoffman) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 14-19, Charles F. Murphy, (Fred Mather) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 20-25, Origin of the Split-Bamboo Rod (James A. Henshall) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1987, p. 26, Made in Maine Exhibit Includes Recreation of F.E. Thomas Rod Shop , (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 13, no. 4, Summer 1987, pp. 7-11, Where the Action Is – Part I, (Graig Spolek) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 14, no. 1, Winter 1988, pp. 2-9, Where The Action Is – Part II, (Graig Spolek) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 14, no. 1, Winter 1988, pp. 12-13, The Perfect (Fly) Rod, (Charles F. Orvis) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 15, no. 1, Summer 1989, pp. 18-22, On The Relative Costs Of Bamboo Fly Rods: 1878-1979, (R. W. Hafer) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 16, no. l, Spring 1990, pp. 12-17, Lyle L. Dickerson and the Rodmakers Rod Part I (Gerald S. Stein & James W. Schaaf) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer 1990, pp. 12-20, Lyle L. Dickerson and the Rodmakers Rod Part II (Gerald S. Stein & James W. Schaaf) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 17, no. 3, Fall 1991, pp. 3-7, The History of Silkworm Gut (Lothar H.H. Martin) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 17, no. 3, Fall 1991, pp. 8-13, Silk Line Manufacturing (John Mundt) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 17, no. 3, Fall 1991, pp. 14-23, Personal Treasures: The Bamboo Fly Rods and Reels Fisherman Love (Gerald S. Stein) – Payne, Leonard, Dickerson, F.E. Thomas, E.C. Powell, Howells, Garrison, Young, Orvis, Thomas & Thomas, Gillum, (Marinaro, Talbot, Halstead, Hawes, E.W. Edwards, Carlson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 18, no. 4, Fall 1992, pp. 14-17, Lou Feierabend: From Five to Z (George M Wickstrom) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 19, no. 3, Summer 1993, pp. 24, Gallery: Lyle L. Dickerson (Craig Thomas) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 20, no. 1, Winter 1994, pp. 21-22, Bamboo Mystique: The Birth Of The Staggered Ferrule Rod, (Richard H. Woods) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 20, no. 2, Spring 1994, pp. 13-17, Books About Fly Rods: Fly Rod Makers and Fly Rod Lovers, (David R. Klausmeyer) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 21, no. 1, Winter 1995, pp. 14-20, Visiting With Uncle Thad: Thaddeus Norris (1811-1877), (J. Robert Norris) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 25, no. 3, Summer 1999, pp. 21-23, Cemetry in the Highlands: A Cast from Fly-Fishing History, (Bruce H. Dawson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 26, no. 2, Spring 2000, pp. 12-19, Vince Marinaro: On Point of Balance, (Gordon M. Wickstrom) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 27, no. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 8-17, Theodore Gordon and Bamboo Rods, (Michael Scott) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 27, no. 4, Fall 2001, pp. 23, In Memoriam: Walton E. Powell (1915-2001) (Harry J. Briscoe) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 30, no. 1, Winter 2004, pp. 8-13, An S. Allcock Story, (Edward Davis) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 31, no. 4, Fall 2005, pp. 2-13, Of Baseball and Bamboo: Bobby Doerr, Ted Williams, and the Paul H. Young Rod Compagny , (John A. Feldenzer) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 32, no. 3, Spring 2006, pp 21, Fishing Classic Tackle: A Museum Friend Reports , (Joe Dogget) – about fishing a Payne Model 410 (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 33, no. 4, Fall 2007, Hiram Leonard: A Review of the Published Biographical Evidence , (Clarence Anderson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 34, no. 1, Winter 2008, pp. 6-19, George H. Halstead: Tribute to a Classic Bamboo Rod Maker, (John A. Feldenzer) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 34, no. 2, Spring 2008, pp. 21, In Memoriam: Harold H. Demarest , by Fred Kretchmann (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 35, no. 2, Spring 2009, The Invisible Man: John G. Landman, (Clarence Anderson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 35, no. 2, Spring 2009, pp. 18, Keepers of the Flame: Per Brandin: Split-Cane Rod Builder, (John Mundt) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 36, no. 1, Winter 2010, pp. 8-17, Edwin S. Osgood, Osgood & Osgood, Makers, One Man One Rod, and He Only Fished with a Cosmic, (Charles W. Fleichmann) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 36, no. 3, Summer 2010, pp. 18, Notes ant Comment: H. L. Leonard Rod Markings: A Revised Chronology, (Clarence Anderson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 38, no. 2, Spring 2012, pp. 8-12, John Landman Revisited , (Clarence Anderson) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 38, no. 4, Fall 2012. pp. 2-10, Thomas Rods: Connected to Place, Cosmic in Reputation, (Richard Jagels) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 40, no. 2, Spring 2014, pp. 20-21, Mark Aroner, Rod Maker: A Living Link to Leonard , (John Mundt) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 40, no. 4, Fall 2014, pp. 2-5, A Fly Rod for Christmas and Three Lifetimes of Use , (Jay Hupp) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 40, no. 4, Fall 2014, pp. 23, Hoagy B. Carmichael: Historian, Author, Rodbuilder , (John Mundt) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 41, no. 1, Winter 2015, pp. 3-7, Forward Thinking, (Hoagy B. Charmichael) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 42, no. 1, Winter 2016, pp. 12-13, A Modern-Day Bamboo Master (Peter Nardini) – Interwiew: Bill Oyster (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 43, no. 2, Spring 2017, pp. 12-13, Bamboo in the Closet: Treasure or … What? (Fred Kretchman). (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 43, no. 4, Fall 2017, pp. 24-25, In Memoriam: Tom Morgan, 12. May 1941 – 12. June 2017 (Per Brandin) (Download)
- American Fly Fisher, Vol. 44, no. 4, Fall 2018, pp. 16-17, Telling Tails: Bamboo and Bogdan (Robert Sohrweide). (Download) –
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 45, no. 3, Summer 2019, pp. 2 – 13, The Post-World War II European Bamboo Fly Rod Renaissance: Nine Profiles of Grandmasters (David Popp) – Fritz Schreck (Switzerland), Bruno Kurth (England), Markus Warwick (England), Fritz Kuckuck (Former DDR), Walter Brunner (Austria), Preben Torp Jacobsen (Denmark), Gerrit Glezer and Ger Vroomen (G&G, Netherlands), Günter Henseler (Germany), Bjarne Fries (Denmark). (Download).
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 46, no. 1, Winter 2020, pp. 16 – 21, America’s First Fly-Fishing Rod Factory in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts: A Short History (Thomas Johnson). (Download).
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 46, no. 2, Spring 2020, pp. 2 – 6, A Wet World That Burns (Jimmy Watts) – Jimmy Watts (Shuksan Rod Co.) Making a Bamboo-rod in Remembrance of Liam Wood. (Download).
- American Fly Fisher, vol. 46, no. 3, Summer 2020, pp. 23, Dr. George Parker Holden’s “The Idyl of the Split-Bamboo” (John Mundt). (Download).
- American Journal of Physics, Sept. 1986, The physics of fly casting , (John M. Robson)
- American Journal of Physics 58, No. 3, March 1990, pp. 234 – 240, The mechanics of flycasting. The flyline (Graig Spolek)
- Angler’s Journal (USA), Premier Issue – June 1994, Len Codella, (Ardith Morgan)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 1, no. 1, Oct. 1994, Tom Dorsey, (Ardith Morgan)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 1, no. 2, Bob Summers, (Ardith Morgan)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 1, no. 3, Spring 1995, Jon Parker, (Ardith Morgan)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 1, no. 4, Summer 1995, Mike Clark, (Ardith Morgan)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 2, no. 1, Fall 1995, George Maurer, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 2, no. 2, H.L. Jennings, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 2, no. 3, C.W. Jenkins, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 2, no. 4, Beginner’s Cane, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 3, no. 1, D.G. Schroeder, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 3, no. 2, Green River Rodmakers, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 3, no. 3, JA Bradford, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, Hidy Rod Co., (Ed Engle)
- Anglers Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, Winter 1998, Jeff Wagner, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 4, no. 2, Spring 1998, Cane Rod Care, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 4, no. 3, Summer 1998, Joe Arguello“, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 4, no. 4, Fall 1998, ‘W.E. Carpenter, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 5, no. 1, Winter 1999, Choosing the Right Fly Line (for bamboo), (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 5, no. 2, Spring 1999, Tedd Knott, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 5 no. 3, Summer 1999, ED Lyons, (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 5, no. 4, Fall 1999, Eden Cane, Ltd., (Ed Engle)
- Angler’s Journal, Vol. 6, no. 1, Winter 2000, Glenn Bracket & R.L. Winston Rod Co., (Ed Engle)
- Anglers Journal, Spring 2018, Art of the Possible – The collaboration between a world-class builder and an angler with a vision results in a remarkable split-cane fly rod. (Galen Mercer) – visiting Per Brandin (download)
- Antiques (USA), June 1974, Nineteenth-century American fly rods , (Kenneth M. Cameron) – early rodmakers like Krider, Crook, A. B. Shipley, Conroy, etc., photos of reel seats and markings. Color repros of paintings with early rods.
- Antrim County News (USA), April 28, 1977
- Arizona Republic (USA), July 6, 1986, Ellis’ Bamboo Rod Proves Mettle For Ability To Catch Fish On The Fly , (Barry Burkhart).
- Art of Angling Journal (USA)
- Art of Angling Journal, Winter 2001, s. 22 – 33, Arne Mason: The Art of Leather (Ingrid V. Sils). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Winter 2001, s. 118 – 128, Daryll Whitehead: Best Rods (John Hawkins). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Spring 2002, s. 62 – 67, The Leprechaun, Tim Abbott. *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 1, Issue 3, s. 170 – 177, The One Day Wonder Rod (Ian P. Rutter). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4, s. 18 – 28, At the Sign of the Golden Witch (Michael Simon). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, s. 8 – 19, Thaddeus Norris Jr.: Americas’s Greatest Fly-Fisherman ,(Jerry Girard). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, s. 202 – 215, The J.D. Wagner Rod Company , (Ingrid Sils). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, s. 8 – 22, Rods Built on Honor: The Thomas Henry Chubb Story , (Jerry Girard). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, s. 168 – 175, Amateur Rod Makers at the Catskill Gathering , (Bill Harms). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3, s. 8 – 19, The Bellinger Boys , (Craig Shreeve). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 2, Issue 4, s. 64 – 73, Artistery in Bamboo: The Rods of Rolf Baginski, (Ingrid Sils). *
- Art of Angling Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, s. 148 – 159, William. A. Harms: Custom Rod and Gun , (Michael Simon). *
- Associated Press (USA), Feb. 15, 1992, Antique Fishing Tackle , (Jerry Harkavy)
- Associated Press, June 07, 1992, Fly Rod Maker , (Trudy Tynan) – Jim Murphy at Thomas & Thomas
- Atlanta Constitution (USA), May 16, 1991, It’s the Reel Thing – Photo of rodmaker Cal Parker Sr.
- Atlanta Constitution, Jan. 23, 1993, Fishing Repair Shop Isn’t Afraid To Tackle Tough Jobs (Ken Sturdivant) – article on rodmaker Cal Parker Sr.
- AUDI magazine, (UK), July 1999, pp. 70 – 76, The Strength of Bamboo , (Markus Honsig) – article on Walter Brunner (1928 – 2007). *
- The Bamboo Fly Rod (USA), Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan/Feb 1998, Includes: Walton Powell. * (PDF)
- The Bamboo Fly Rod, Vol. 1, no. 2, March/April 1998, Includes: Planing Forms Part I and Mike Clark. * (PDF)
- The Bamboo Fly Rod, Vol. 1, no. 3, May/June 1998, Includes: Per Brandin, part l, George Maurer and Planing Forms Part II. * (PDF)
- The Bamboo Fly Rod, Vol. 1, no. 4, July/Aug 1998, Includes: Per Brandin, part II, John Zimny and Curing & Heat Treating Ovens. * (PDF)
- The Bamboo Fly Rod, Vol. 1, no. 5/6, Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec 1998, Includes: Don Anderson, Joe Arguello and Use & Care of The Bamboo Fly Rod . * (PDF)
- Bamboo Journal (Italy),
- Bambus Deutschland (Germany), No. 2, 2017, pp. 18 – 23, Angelruten aus Tonkin (Peer Doering-Arjes) – Der Herstellungsprozess, Die Geschichte des Bambusrutenbaus, Tonkinvorkommen in Vietnam & China, Mechanische Eigenschaften des Tonkin, Literatur. *
- Bellaire Spectator (USA), August 21, 1972
- Bangor Daily News (USA), July 1932, Kiwanians hear of Fishing Rods – Leon Thomas Speaker at the Regular Luncheon – Unique Industry. About Thomas Fishing Rods.
- Bangor Daily News – Bangor ME (USA), April 1, 2000,
- Tradition: Penobscot Salmon Club, Thomas Rod Co. (Tom Hennessey) – article on rodmaker Steve Campbell.
- Boulder Daily Camera (USA), June 23, 1997, Lafayette Fly-fishing Shop Grows: Rocky Mountain Kane’s Owner Will Hire Help And Spend More Time Making Bamboo Rods (Charles Ashby) – article on rodmaker Joe Arguello.
- Boulder Daily Camera, June 3, 1998, Custom-Made Cane Rods: A True Work Of Art (Ed Engle) – article on rodmaker Joe Arguello.
- The Boulder Reporter (USA), April 10, 2010, The Rods of Lyons (Gordon Wickstrom) – Mike Clark, a maker of fly rods, Main Street, Lyons, Colorado. (Download)
- Buffalo News (USA), Oct. 4, 1999, Bamboo Rods Answer The Casting Call (Michael Levy) – general article on bamboo rods.
- Buffalo News, May 21, 2000, East Koy Fisherman Turns Hobby Into Rod-Building Business (Michael Levy) – article on rodmaker Joe Perrigo.
- Bulletin (Bend OR, USA), Aug. 11, 1996, Fly Rod Maker Moves To Sisters (Mike Freeman) – article on Payne rodmaker David Holloman.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 1, Summer 1999, pp. 23, Grandad’s Rod. Trash or Treasure? (Ted Knott) – article about putting a value on an old rod.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 1, Winter 1999, Canadian Cane (Ted Knott) – article on Canadian bamboo rodmakers.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 2, Fall 2000, pp. 30 – 31, Build Your Own Cane Rod – Part One (Ted Knott) – How to get started, tools and resources.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 2, Winter 2000, pp. 35, Eden Cane Rods (Ted Knott) – A Bernard Ramanauskas 7’#4 nodeless (progressive dry fly) bamboo rod from Eden Cane Rods.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 2, Winter 2000, pp. 36 – 37, Build Your Own Cane Rod – Part Two (Ted Knott) – The step-by-step instructions to build your first cane rod.
- Canadian Fly Fisher, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2010, pp. 51, Memorial. Remembering Ted Knott: Fly Fisher, Innovator, mentor and friend (Ron Marini) – (Download).
- The Catskill Angler (USA), Vol. XV No. 1, Winter 2003, The Leonard Model 50 DF – Pleasure and the art of gene splicing (Chuck Benedict) – The 7th. Eastern Cane Rod Builders Gathering at the CFFC&M. *
- Chasing Silver (Finland), 3/2023, Bamboo for Salmon & Steelhead –
- Charleston Daily Mail (USA), April 17, 1997, Patience Is Key To Maker Of Split Cane Rods (John McCoy) – article on rodmaker Randy Lemon.
- Chicago Sun-Times (USA), March 8, 1998, Profile -Jim Grandt (Dale Bowman) – article on rodmaker Jim Grandt.
- Chicago Tribune (USA), April 16, 1991, Fishing rod king lands a Bush bass (Melita Marie Garza) – article on rodmaker Jim Grandt
- Chico News & Review (USA), August 2, 2001, Spare the Rod: Chico fly rod maker Walton Powell died defending his honor after selling his family name and image to the Schwab family (Devanie Angel) – article on rodmaker Walton Powell.
- Classic Angling (UK), Issue 3, How anglers coped with cumbersome rods:- the early days of rod-making
- Classic Angling, Issue 3, A guide to cane rods
- Classic Angling, Issue 8, Richard Walker rods: the story behind the Mark IV split-cane rod
- Classic Angling, Issue 33, Buying wood rods
- Classic Angling, Issue 44, WALKER’S WEDDING GIFT — A pair of Mark IV rods that were made by Peter Stone from cane given to him by Richard Walker as a wedding present are among special items on offer at Mullock Madeley’s next auction
- Classic Angling, Issue 47, Unique Winston rod goes up for auction
- Classic Angling, Issue 54, Our eBay spot looks at the background to a Pezon et Michel cane rod that sold for $2750 –
- Classic Angling, Number 3, December 1999, pp. 14 – 15, When Whales played a part in Rod-Making (Stuart Shepherd). *
- Classic Angling, Number 3, December 1999, pp. 16 – 17, What to look for in a Cane Rod . *
- Classic Angling, Issue 86, November/December 2013, GEM Skues was slated for supporting the virtues of US split-cane rods, as we look back to The Fishing Gazette in 1906
- The Classic Chronicle, Autumn 1992, p. 32, Bookreview. Wes Jordan. Profile of a Rodmaker. Cross, South Bend, Orvis. By Dick Spurr and Gloria Jordan. –
- The Columbian (USA), Aug. 26, 1999, Fly-fishing Hobbyist Revives Bamboo Rod-Making Style – article on rodmaker Larry Quinn.
- Columbus Dispatch (USA), June 15, 1988, He’s (Fly) Cast As Fishing Expert (Scott H. Duff) – article on rod repairer Nicholas Mathy.
- Columbus Dispatch, June 24, 1988, Grandview Man Puts Art And Soul Into Fishing Rods (Erin Marie Medick) – article on rodmaker Don Wittekind
- Columbus Dispatch, May 16, 1990, When Fishing Is An Art (Lee Stratton) – article on rodmaker Don Wittekind.
- The Complete Fly Fisherman (South Africa), Issue 261, Aug/Sep. 2018, p. 20 – 26, Tufts & Batson. A passion for tradition (xx). –
- The Complete Fly Fisherman, issue 265, Apr/May 2019, p. 26 – 32, Taking it to the next level. Stephen Boshoff. The art of making great bamboo fly rods. –
- The Complete Fly Fisherman, issue 274, Jan/Feb/Mar. 2021, p. 54 – 63, A rod maker’s thoughts. Why Bamboo. – Stephen Boshoff elaborates on his passion for bamboo.
- The Complete Fly Fisherman, issue 274, Jan/Feb/Mar. 2021, p. 64, The TCFF Charity Initiative. Fly Fishers Giving Back. – A Stephen Boshoff bamboo rod donatet for auction to The Red Cross Childrens Hospital Trust.
- The Complete Fly Fisherman, issue 279, 2022, p. 132 – 145, Alberto Poratelli. In Conversation with a Bamboo Rod Maker (Stephen Boshoff). –
- Country Life (UK), 29. January, 2004, POLES APART (David Profumo) – about The Edward Barder Rod Company. (Download)
- The Creel, Flyfishers Club of Oregon (USA), Vol. 7, No. 1, Dec. 1969, E.C. Powell, Angler & Rod-maker (Lee Richardson) – tribute to rodmaker E. C. Powell. *
- Daily News of Los Angeles (USA), May 7, 1992, Old-Timer Goes Modem Route: Noted Fly Fisherman Takes Advantage Of New Materials (Eric Sharp) – Chauncey Lively fishes Paul Young Rods
- Daily News of Los Angeles, July 29, 1991, Custom Fly-fishing Rods Lands Four-Figure Prices (Gregory J. Wilcox) – article on rodmaker Barry Kustin
- Daily News of Los Angeles, June 18, 1992, Split-Bamboo Rods Are Expensive Works Of Art (Trudy Tynan) – Jim Murphy at Thomas & Thomas
- Daily News of Los Angeles, May 12, 1994, Hand-Built Rods From Clark Are Collectors Items (Jim Sheeler)
- The Daily Telegraph (UK), 23. July, 2009, The golden age of rod making is alive and well in Newbury (Chris Yates) – about The Edward Barder Rod Company. (Download).
- The Denver Gazette (USA), Oct. 10. 2022, By a master’s hand in the Colorado mountains, yhe bamboo fly rod lives on (Seth Boster) – article on Mike Clark. (Download).
- Departures (USA), April/May, 1992, (includes article with Walt Carpenter, Gary Howells and others)
- Detroit Free Press (USA), March 22, 1991, Summers’ Handmade Bamboo Rods Are Coveted By Anglers, Collectors (Eric Sharp)
- Detroit Free Press, March 22, 1991 Spare The Rod? Not Summers (Eric Sharp)
- Detroit Free Press, May 1, 1992, Lively Still Trying To Build A Better Fly Rod (Eric Sharp)
- Detroit Free Press, May 25, 1994, Family’s Fishing Legacy: Men Use Time-Tested Ways To Craft Prize Bamboo Rods (Alan R. Kamuda) – article on Todd Young of Paul H. Young Co.
- Drake (USA): Summer, 2018, pp. 94 – 101, Once – A wet world that burns (Jimmy Watts) –
- Eastern Daily Press (USA), 20 April 2012, Robert Kirk (1924-2012): Angler, rod designer and Norfolk author aged 87 (Michael Pollitt) – Orbituary.
- The Edmonds Paper (USA), March 9, 1999, Fly Rod the Love of Ray Gould’s Life – article on rodmaker Ray Gould.
- energy&fuels, Vol. 29, issue 4, April 2015, pp. 248 – 2415, Dynamic Variation of Fuel Properties of Tonkin Cane Pseudosasa amabilis during Maturation (Liang Cheng, Sushil Adhikari, Zhouhong Wang, Yulong Ding) –
- The Field, (UK), May 2012, Craft: Split Cane Fishing Rod Maker Edward Barder – (Download)
- Field & Stream (USA), February 1940, Your Bamboo (Claude M. Kreider)
- Field & Stream, August 1948, The Parabolic Rod (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, October 1948, Why Five (A.J. McClane) – Lou Feierabend on 5-strip rod construction.
- Field & Stream, February 1950, The Seven Strip Rod (A.J. McClane) – Lou Feierabend on 7-strip rod construction.
- Field & Stream, April 1952, Everett Garrison comments on 5 & 7 strip rods (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, July 1952, Fit the Line to the Rod (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, February 1955, The Case for the Flea Rod (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, April 1955, The Fly Rod That Does the Impossible (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, November 1955, The Golden Age of Tackle Making (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, February 1958, Bamboo Aristocrats (Cecil Heacox)
- Field & Stream, March 1974, Secrets of the Magic Wand (A.J. McClane)
- Field & Stream, March 1982, The Fly Rod (Jack Samson) – “That Wonderful bamboo rod! I look at it now and see it with the eyes of a boy … shining and beautiful in its blue velvet rod holder, reflecting the light of a lamp.” *
- Field & Stream, July 1986, Spotting Craftsmen: Hoagy B. Carmichael – Rodbuilder (Stephen Darst) – includes seven color photographs of Mr. Carmichael fishing and working with his rods.
- Fine Woodworking Magazine (USA), May/June 1982, pp. 176 – 181, Fly Rods from Split Bamboo. With a hand plane and lots of gadgets (L.U. Beitz). *
- Fisch & Fliege (Germany)
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 12, 200?, pp. 72 – 77, Eckig und Edel (Siegi Stümke) – Siegi Stümke hat den Rutenbauer Rolf Baginski besucht. *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 19, 2009, pp. 66 – 68, Neulich an der Küste – Mit der Gespliessten an der Küste (Siegi Stümke) – Rolf Baginski liebt es leicht, und fischt bei ruhigem Wetter bevorzugt gespliesste Ruten Marke Eigenbau. *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 23, 2010, pp. 30 – 34, Report – Hardy, Alnwick, England (Siegi Stümke) – Sintrix – Die Revolution der Kohlefazer? – Kohlefazer und Gespliesste. *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 32, 4/4, 2012, pp. 17 – 20, Gespliesste – Edle Schönheit mit Charakter (Andreas Schmitt, Matthias Meyer). *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 33, 1/4, 2013, pp. 36 – 40, Bambus – Der Stoff, aus dem Gespliesste sind (Robert Stroh) – Woher kommt der benötigte Rohstoff – der Bambus ? Robert Stroh aus München nimmt Sie mit auf eine Weite Reise in den Dscjungel der Volksrepublik China. *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 52/2018, Nov. 2017, p. 91, Fünf Fragen an Robert Stroh (Elmar Elfers). *
- Fisch & Fliege, No. 55/2018, p. 77 – 81, Mythen des Bambus Rutenbaus (Peer Doering-Arjes)
- Fischwaid (Germany), 1952, pp. 10 – 13, Wir bauen uns eine Gespliesste (W. Dombrowski) *
- Fisch & Wasser (Austria), No 2, 2010, pp. 36 – 37, Ein Rolls Royce aus Kork und Bambus (Mark Perry) – article on Harald Langer, Austria.
- Fishing Collectibles Magazine (USA), Vol. 6, No. 2, #22, Fall 1994, pp. 10-12, Charles F. Murphy. Splitting It Six Ways (A. J. Campbell) –
- Fishing Collectibles Magazine, Vol. 6, No. ?, #24. Winter 1994, pp. 16 – 18, Fred E. Thomas: The Exchange Street Years (A J. Campbell) –
- Fishing Collectibles Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, #24. Spring 1995, pp. 8 – 10, The W.E. Carpenter Rod Company (Brian J. McGrath) –
- Fishing Collectibles Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, #24. Spring 1995, pp. 11, Classic Bamboo Rod Restouration (Walt Carpenter) –
- Fishing Collectibles Magazine , Vol. 6, No. 4, #24. Spring 1995, pp. 12 – 15, New England’s Obscure and Odd Rodmakers (A. J. Campbell) –
- The Fishing Gazette (UK), 135/3962, 28.03.1953., pp. 300, Letters to a Young Angler. No. 1. Choosing a Trout Fly Rod (Laurie Hardy) * –
- The Fishing Gazette, 136/4029, 10.07.1954., pp. 697, Rod Finish and the Elimination of Cracked Whippings (T. C. Ivens) * –
- Fish & Fly (USA), Vol. 7, no. 1, Autumn 2006, “Last Cast” – interview on Glen Brackett, what happened, and why he left the R.L Winston Rod Company after 30 years. Several nice photos too.
- FliegenFischen (Germany)
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1984, p. 44 – 47, Bruno Kurth, Ein Meister der Rutenbaukunst (Udo Hildebrandt) *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Sep/Okt. 1984, p. 28 – 29, Heisse Tage auf der Game Fair. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Sep/Okt. 1984, p. 60, Split Cane Blanks aus ehrwürdigen Häusern – *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Sep/Okt. 1984, p. 62 – 65, An den Spleissen kann man sie erkennen (Preben Torp Jacobsen) – Bei keiner anderen Rute ist ein Fehlkauf so leicht Möglich wie bei einer Gespliessten. Welche Kriterien sind für beste Qualität besonderes wichtig? *
- FliegenFischen, No. 5, Nov/Dez. 1984, p. 74, Gespliesste vom Feinsten – rods from Rudi Heger. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 1985, pp. 10, Split Cane Kurs mit Partridge with Lawrence Waldron. – short note. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1985, pp. 12-13, Split Cane Kurs bei Kettner ein Riesenerfolg with Lawrence Waldron, Partridge. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1985, pp. 44-49, Alte Liebe – flottgemacht, Zwei schwedische Spezialisten demonstrieren, wie man aus alt neu gemacht (Kenneth Boström og Jerry Petterson). *
- FliegenFischen, Mai 1986, Das Holz des Ostens 1 (Udo Hildebrandt).
- FliegenFischen, Juni 1986, Das Holz des Ostens 2 (Udo Hildebrandt).
- FliegenFischen, No. 3, Mai/Juni 1988, pp. 22-25, Lebendige Ruten – Heinz Hillebrandt (Walter Lategahn). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 6, Nov/Dec. 1988, pp. 22-25, Unser liebstes Kind (Ingo Karwath). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 1989, pp. 54-56, Feine Ruten aus Amerika – Portrait von James W. Schaaf (Jürgen F. Preylowski). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Juli/Aug. 1989, pp. 54-56, Die First-Lady der Fliegenfischer. Fly Rod Crosby (Übersetzt von Bernd Kuleisa von der Zeitschrift Rod & Reel) – Eine der ersten Damen unserer Zukunft, die überregional für Aufsehen sorgten, war Cornelia Crosby aus Maine, USA. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1991, pp. 52- 53, Bambus im Westwind – Rolf Baginski (Ede Brumund-Rüther). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1991, pp. 62- 65, So lebt die Gespliesste länger! (Rolf Grimme). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 1994, pp. 56 – 59, Ruten mit Seele (Rainer Pollmeier) – Portrait: Günter Henseler. “Durch meinen Beruf konnte ich hobeln und beherrsche den Umgang mit Lacken und Leimen. Also habe ich eines Tages einfach losgelegt …” So beschreibt Günter Hensler seinen Einsteig in das Bauen von gespliessten Ruten. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 6, Nov/Dez. 1994, pp. 9, Bruno Kurth 1925 – 1994 (J.F. Preylowski)
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 1997, pp. 16 – 19, Lang lebe die Gespliesste (Udo Hildebrandt) – Wie geht man mit einer gespliessten Fliegenrute um, Historisches, Warum eine Gespliesste ? *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 1997, pp. 20 – 22, Neue Trends und starke Typen
Walter Brunner: Sein Meisterstück. Udo Hildebrandt: Bewährte Qualität. Manfred Raguse: klassische Ruten aus zweiter Hand. Rolf Baginski: Edelholz. Michael Hülsenbeck: Goldstück. – Neue Modelle bekannter Gespliesstenbauer. Solides Handwerk und künstlerische Finesse sind wieder im Kommen. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 3, Mai/Juni 1997, pp. 39, Stilvoller Schutz (Manfred Braig) – Die gespliesste Bambusrute von Wilhelm Aigeldinger kommt zum Transport ins Bambusrohr. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 2001, pp. 36 – 39, Der kleine Unterschied. (Bernd Kuleisa) – Wie erkennt man eine gute Rute. Bernd Kuleisa hat Rolf Baginski in seiner Werkstatt besucht. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 2003, pp. 44 – 47, Aus Liebe zum Gras – Besuch bei Thomas and Thomas. (Rolf Baginski). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 2004, pp. 40 – 45, Alles glatt unterm Lack ? (Ingo Karwath) – Gespliesste Ruten haben Mystik in den Fasern und Magie in den Fugen. Sie sind der Inbegriff feinster fischereilicher Handwerkskunst. Oder wünschen wir uns das nur, und die Wirklichkeit sieht ganz anders aus ? *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Mär/Apr. 2004, pp. 72-73, Bambus-lexikon (Ingo Karwath). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 6, Nov/Dez. 2004, pp. 46-47, Schottische Schönheit (Rolf Baginski) – C. C. de France, Marktpreise historischen Hardy Ruten. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Jul/Aug. 2005, p. 6, Bambus-Kurs – Short note: Rolf Baginski gibt drei Rutenbaukurse in Waischenfeld. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Jan. 2006, pp. 24-27, Der Auktionator (Bernd Kuleisa) – Zu besuch bei Udo Hildebrandt. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 3, Apr/Mai 2006, p. 18, Rund um die Gespliesste – ‘Treffen der Gespliesstenbauer‘: 1. Schweizer Rutenbauer-treffen, ‘In drei Tagen eigenen Gespliessten‘: Rutenbau-kurs mitt Rolf Baginski, ‘Das grosse Buch der Gespliessten‘: “Gespliesste, Edle Ruten aus Bambus” von Rolf Baginski.
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2007, p. 10, Gespliesstenbauer-treffen in der Schweiz, Erste Sahne in Sarnen (Rolf Baginski). *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 3, Apr/Mai 2007, p. 8, Nachruf, Zum Gedenken an Walter Brunner (Rolf Baginski). *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 3, Apr/Mai 2007, p. 10, Buch Tip: Gespliesste – Edle Ruten aus Bambus. – von Rolf Baginski. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 4, Jun/Jul. 2007, p. 10, Internationales Treffen der Gespliesstenbauer (Rolf Baginski) – Waischenfeld, 26.-28. Okt. 2007. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 6, Okt/Nov. 2007, p. 34, Einkaufsberrater: Gespliesste (Udo Hildebrandt) – Die erste Gespliesste Rute. *
- FliegenFischen, No. 1, Dez/Jan. 2008, p. 52, Gespliesste, Second Hand (Rolf Baginski). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Feb/Mär. 2008, p. 11, Rutenbauer Treffen – 89 Teilnehmer aus 9 Nationen (Rolf Baginski) *
- FliegenFischen, No. 2, Feb/Mär. 2008, p. 70, Gespliesste mit besonderem Dreh – about Robert Stroh, (Wolfgang Hauer). *
- FliegenFischen, No. 4, Jun/Jul. 2008, p. 40, Klasse(n) Arbeit, – splitcane-workshop with Rolf Baginski, (Thomas Wölfle). *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 5, Aug/Sep. 2008, p. 8, 1. Europäisches Rutenbauertreffen, Italien. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2010, p. 9, 2. Europäisches Gespliesstenbauer-Treffen – ende September in Sarnen, Schweiz. – short note. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2011, pp. 64 – 67, Bambus für die Zukunft (Marco Mariani) – zu besuch bei Eduard Locher und Arthur Gebhart (L&G Rodmakers) in Mering. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 2, Feb/Mär. 2011, pp. 44 – 47, Kork für Rutengriffe – Hinter eines Baumes Rinde… (Rolf Baginski) – Philipp Sicher und Rolf Baginski in Kork-land. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 2, Feb/Mär. 2011, pp. 48 – 50, Gespliesste Zweihand – Die letzten Ritter (Rolf Baginski). *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dec/Jan. 2013, p. 10, Rolf Baginski – Seit 25 Jahren baut Rolf Baginski professionell Fliegenruten aus Bambus. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dec/Jan. 2013, p. 83, 25 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement (+1/14 p. 83, 2/14 p. 15, 1/17 p. 59, ). *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 5, Aug/Sep 2013, p. 7, Die Wassermaus von Hülsenbeck – short note. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dec/Jan. 2014, p. 71, Die Wassermaus-Rute von Hülsenbeck – short note. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 5, Aug/Sep. 2014, p. 6, Wo man hobelt, da… – short note on Rolf Baginski Rutenbaukurs. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 2, Feb/Mär. 2015, p. 7, Treffen der Bambus-Szene – note on European Rodbuilder Gathering In Waischelfeld, Germany. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 2, Feb/Mär. 2015, pp. 66 – 71, Zwischen Keller und Olymp (Ingo Karwath) – “Eine Selbsgebaute am Wasser ist besser als eine Olymp-Rute im Museum”. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2016, pp. 55, 28 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2016, pp. 56 – 59, Bambus nach Mass (Aleksandar Vrtaric) – Interview With Matt Schlieske, Chris Carlin and James M. Reid. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 5, Aug/Sep. 2016, pp. 14 – 16, Eine Hommage an Walter Brunner (Walter Reisinger) – Walter Brunner on flyfishing with Walter Reisinger, and the fly: “Brunner 3”. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2017, pp. 60 – 61, Zum Glück habe ich eine verständnisvolle Frau … (Emir Numanovic) – about Peter Postlbauer . *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2018, pp. 50, Neuauflage. Gespliesste – edle Ruten aus Bambus – Rolf Baginski’s book in new impression. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2019, pp. 83, 31 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 3, April/Mai 2019, pp. 47, Winston, Gespliessten-Bau – *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 4, Juni/Juli 2019, pp. 19, Christian Geiger 1965 – 2019 (Thomas und die Jungs) – “In den lestzen sieben Jahren widmete sich Christian leidenschaftlich dem Gespliesstenbau und hat vornehmlich Zweihandruten gehobelt” Obituary. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 6, Okt/Nov. 2019, pp. 62 – 67, Seidenschnüre: Am seidenen Faden (Alex Wessolowski). – Erfahren Sie alles über Seidenschnüre am modernen Gerät. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2020, pp. 83, 32 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2021, pp. 2, 33 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2022, pp. 2, 34 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 1, Dez/Jan. 2023, pp. 37, 35 Jahre Baginski Ruten – Whole page advertisement. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 2, Feb/März 2023, pp. 80, Eine echte Familienrute (Winfried Birkenhagen) – Vater macht Gespliesste für sein Sohn an Rolf Baginski Kurs. *
- FliegenFischen, Nr. 14, Juni/Juli 2023, pp. 60 – 61, Weniger ist mehr – auch beim Fliegenfischen (Marco Wilhelm) – “Mit meiner kurzen Gespliessten die Forellen zu überlisten, ist und bleibt einmalig” *
- Der Fliegenfischer (Germany), Heft 43, Januar/Februar 1982, pp. 44, Vier
Gespließte von Partridge (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 48, Januar 1983, pp. 31, Es lebe die Gespliesste! (L. Martin) *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 50, April/Mai 1983, pp. 9, Es lebe die Gespliesste! (Leserbrief) (E. Jambor). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 51, Juni/August 1983, pp. 23, Bei zwei Metern (Bruno Pichler) – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 52, September/Oktober 1983, pp. 14 – 15, Vom Werden unserer allerschönsten Gerten (J.S.) – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 54, Februar 1984, pp. 40 – 41, Gespliesste von Bjarne Fries (Red). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 55, September 1984, pp. 10 – 14, Arundinaria amabilis – Das mehr als liebenswerte Material (Bjarne Fries). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 55, September 1984, pp. 34 – 38, Walter Brunner – Rutenbauer von Weltrang (Michael Hofmaier). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 56/58, Januar/März 1985, pp. 12, Splitcane only. Meeting (R. R.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 68, IV. Quartal 1986, pp. 18 – 19, Die Payne-Story (T. Donald Overfield) – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 69, Dezember 1986, pp. 51, Tröstlicher Ausgang (Manfred Fritzler) – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 70, 1. Quart. 1987, pp. 20 – 22, Split-Cane-Check (Bernhard Volz). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 73, Oktober 1987, pp. 47, Für Splitcane Fans – (Hildebrandt-Brochüre) (Red.). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 73, Oktober 1987, pp. 56, Günter Schinn, Quadringa. Adverticement from Rudi Heger. *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 74, Dezember 1987, pp. 46 – 47, Die Ritz PPP Supermarvel – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 76, April/Mai 1988, pp. 38, Das Cane-Star-Prinzip. Gespließte (L. Reim).
- »Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 77, Juni/Juli 1988, pp. 43, Split-Cane-Parade 1988. (alle Modelle) (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 78, August/September 1988, pp. 12, Zu „Split-Cane-Parade 1988“. (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 79, Oktober/November 1988, pp. 28-29, Cane ist ihr Schicksal… (12 Rutenbauer) foto with Gerrit Glezer, Piet Veugelers, Tom Moran, Ids Schukken, Stefan Pauli, Rolf Baginski, Leen Huisman, Mike Brookes, Günter Henseler, Nico van Bakergem, Ger Vromen and Peter J. Budde. (A. Blindow/Red.). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 80, Dezember 1988, pp. 52, Hülsen für Gespließte. R. Raab (P. den Hollander).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 82, April 1989, pp. 56, Gespliesste von Michael Götz (Hartmut Kloss). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 83, Mai/Juni 1989, pp. 29, Die Geschneckelten. (B. Volz) Teil 1: Grundlagen für Gespließte. Verbesserung des E-Moduls.
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 84, Juli/August 1989, pp. 30, Die Geschneckelten. (B. Volz) Teil 2: Die Vorteile gewendelter Gespließter.
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 85, Oktober 1989, pp. 4, Zu „Die Geschneckelten“;S. Pauly, B. Volz · Mit spitzer Feder: How to build a Bamboo Flyrod … R. Henninger · Zu „Coachman junior“;Dr.W. Knapp, (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 85, Oktober 1989, pp. 9, Für Präsident Bush. Gespließte von G. Schinn (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 87, Februar/März 1990, pp. 32, Unvergleichlich! – toller
Fisch an selbstgebauter Gespließter (B. Volz).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 88, Mai 1990, pp. 42, Ger & Gerrit. Split-Cane-Bauer (E. van den Berg).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 102, August/September 1992, pp. 30, Nach Wunsch. Gespließte von Henseler (Peacock).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 111, März/April 1994, pp. 54, Greys Master Cane 7 ft, 4/5 (Red.).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 116, Dezember 1994, pp. 22, Interview in Paris with Hoagy B. Carmichael (1. part).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 117, Februar/März 1995, pp. 28 – 29, Hobeln spezial – Interview: Hoagy B. Carmichael nimmt kompromisslos Stellung zum Gespliesstenbau. (2. part). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 119, Juli/August 1995, pp. 29, … zu den Wurzeln. Gespließte von J. Trnka (A. Baudisch).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 128, Sep/Okt 1997, pp.38 – 40. Im Interwiew: Fritz Schreck (David Popp und Reinhold Bruder). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 130, März/April 1998, pp. 26 – 31, Quads!! Das ideale Ruten-Design: Gespliesste mit quadratischem Querschnitt (David Popp und Volker Engelmann). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 130, März/April 1998, pp. 50, Gespließte von H.J. Schlecht. (Hartmut Kloss). – short note about 2 rods from Hans-Jürgen Schlecht. *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 132, August/September 1998, pp. 31, Cape Fear-Ruten – Anmerkungen zu einem 1993 in den USA patentierten Bauprinzip für Gespließte (David Popp). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 140, Juni/Juli 2000, pp. 50, Eine „Westwind“ von Baginski. Gespließte.
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 145, August/September 2001, pp. 10, Gespliesste in der Schweiz (Dr. Rolf Frischknecht) – Rutenbauerkurs 19-23.02.2001 in Brienz. *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 151, März/April 2003, pp. 30, Gespließte von Hans-Jörg Klein (R. Thräner).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 152, xxx 2003, pp. ?, Ruten-Kunde anno 1930 ? –
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 153, August/September 2003, pp. 42 – 43, Ruten-Kunde anno 1930 (Egon Krall-Kralsberg/Franz Kiwek) – (Teil 2, wird fortgesetzt). – *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 154, pp. 10, Erste Handwerk Fliegenfischen (P.Ü) – 1. Internationale Ausstellung, 13-14/09-2003.
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 164, pp. ?, Meine Holloman-Payne, Modell 98, 7 Fuss, für Schnurklasse 5. Von den Freuden, die eigentlich nur klassische Ruten bereiten können.
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 165, November/Dezember 2005, pp. 30, CarboCane. Kohlefaser-Gespließte von S. Grau (Dr.R. Frischknecht).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 167, April 2006, pp. 30 – 31, 13-fach gespliesst … hat schon ‘mal eine “Evolution” von Swiss Bamboo Rods gefischt (Rolf Frishknecht) – 13-fach gespliesste von Kurt Zumbrun. *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 167, April 2006, pp. 34 – 37, Seidenschnüre – bis heute attraktiv! (Wolfram Schott) –
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 169, Juli/September 2006, pp. 30, Gespließte von Robert Stroh (H. Eiber).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 170, Oktober/November 2006, pp. 30, Back to the woods – Greenheart-Ruten (Stefan Grau).
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 171, Dezember 2006 / Januar 2007, pp. 22 – 23, 1. Schweizer Gespliesstenbauer-Treff (Jaroslav Vecko). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 171, Dezember 2006 / Januar 2007, pp. 28 – 31, Back to the woods, 2. Teil. Bau von Vollholz-Ruten (Stefan Grau). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 172, Februar/März 2007, pp. 2 – 3, Abschied von Walter Brunner (Österreichische Fischereigesellschaft, Sepp Prager, Hans Putzo, Jochen Schück). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 172, Februar/März 2007, pp. 30 – 31, Edelhölzer, Teil 2, Meine Thomas & Thomas Classic (Christian Mohr) – Eine Beitragsreihe über gespliesste Ruten. *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 172, Februar/März 2007, pp. 60 – 61, “Bookrewiew / Buchbesprechung: R. Baginski, Gespliesste – edle Ruten aus Bambus (f.). *
- Der Fliegenfischer, Heft 173, April 2007, p. 4, Abschied von Walter Brunner (G. Wenzel, Ing. M. Schremser).
- Der Fliegenfisher, Heft 174, Mai/Juni 2007, p. 30 – 31, Im Interview: Axel Janousch, Phoenix-Vorfächer – nicht nur für Seidenschnüre (J. S. Thema). *
- Der Fliegenfisher, ??, 2008, pp. ?, Sansepolcro 2008, über das 1. Europäische Rutenbauertreffen für Gespliesste (Philipp Sicher & Jaroslav Vecko).
- Der Fliegenfischer, ??, 2009, pp. ?, Sarnen 2009, zum 2. Europäischen Rutenbauertreffen für Gespliesste (Jaroslav Vecko).
Flugangeln (Germany), heft 8, 1995, s. 88, Fliegenruten – Die Gespliessten – passage about die Gespliessten. *
- Fly Fisher (USA), Vol. 5 no. 2, April 1972, Building Bamboo Rods
- Fly Fisher, Vol. 4 no. 3, October 1973, The Story of Tonkin Cane (Letcher Lambuth).
- Fly Fisher, Vol. 9 no. 4, October 1976, Bargains In Bamboo (Harmon Henkin).
- Fly Fisher, Vol. 6 no. 2, April 1980, Classic Rods (Martin J. Keane & Susie Isaksen)
- Fly Fisher, Winter 1984, H. L. Leonard: Born Of Tradition – Looking To The Future (Larry Foster).
- Fly Fisher, Winter 1986, Thomas A. Bedford (Donald Barrer).
- Fly Fisher, Winter 1987, Song Of The Reed (Steve Cherry).
- Fly Fisher, Winter 1993, Winston Eyes History (Jamie Hunter).
- Flyfisher (FFF), (USA), Vol. 42, No. 1, Spring /Summer 2009, pp. 44, Always remember “Caveat Emptor” when purchasing (Dave Mosley) – What makes a bamboo rod so valuable ? (Download).
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 42, No. 2, Fall 2009/Winter 2010, pp. 44, Mistakes at the Bench (Dave Mosley) – (Download).
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 43. No. 1, Spring/Summer 2010, pp. 42 – 43, Bamboo Rods. From Fairy Wands to Tarpon Rods (Tom Tripi) –
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 43. No. 1, Spring/Summer 2010, pp. 44, Attend Bamboo Rod Building Class at 2010 Conclave (Dave Mosley) (Download)
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 43, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2010, pp. 43, The FFF, Bamboo and Friendship (Al Beatty) (Download).
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 44, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2011, pp. 42-43, A Friend to all Fly Fishers and Rod Builders (Buck Goodridge) – A tribute to the late Ralph Moon. (Download).
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 44, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2011, pp. 42-43, A Plane Shape to Bamboo (Ron Barch) – (Download).
- Flyfisher (FFF), Vol. 49, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2016, pp. 20-23, A Legacy of Excellence, Tom Morgan contributed to the shape of fly fishing today (Jerry Kustich) (Download).
- FlyFisher (Japan), The Bamboo Fly Rod 2001, Tsuribitosha, Japan (Japanese publication featuring numerous classic bamboo fly rods as well as contemporary Japanese and American rodmakers).
- Fly Fisherman (USA), June 1970, Fly Rods (Don Zahner).
- Fly Fisherman, August 1970, Payne Rods Live On (Don Zahner).
- Fly Fisherman, October 1970, Making Custom Skeleton Reel Seats (Edwin John Dvorak).
- Fly Fisherman, March 1971, Bamboo Rods in the Space Age (Bill Fink).
- Fly Fisherman, Mar/Apr 1972, Ritz: The Man And His Rod (Don Zahner).
- Fly Fisherman, June/July 1973, Another Dimension for Fly Rod Evaluation: Stiffness Profile (Don Phillips).
- Fly Fisherman, vol.5, no.3, Spring 1974, pp. 18 – 27, The Bamboo Renaissance (Don Zahner) – a survey of American cane rod builders. Individuals and companies covered included Garrison, Leonard, Orvis, Payne, Powell, Sisty, T&T, Winston, Young, Howells and Uslan.
- Fly Fisherman vol.5, no.3, Spring 1974, The Garrison Rod (Hoagy B. Carmichael).
- Fly Fisherman April 1974, Basement Rod Building (George Barnes).
- Fly Fisherman Winter 1974, Cane Rod Repair (William A. Schwenker).
- Fly Fisherman Winter 1974, On The Vintage Rods (Martin Keane).
- Fly Fisherman January 1975, The Care And Feeding Of Ferrules – Part I (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman Spring 1975, The Care And Feeding Of Ferrules – Part II (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman May 1975, The Care And Feeding Of Ferrules – Part III (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman June 1975, Guide Wrapping – Back-Country Style (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman Winter 1975, Time To Get A Handle On Your Rods (Dick Finlay)
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 7, no. 2, January 1976, The Late Wes Jordan Grips (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 7, No. 3, Spring Special, 1976, pp. 26 – 33, The Alchemy of Bamboo (Ernest G. Schwiebert).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 8, No. 1, Winter, October 1976, pp. 78 – 84, New Life for Old Bamboo 1 (Dave Engerbretson). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 8, No. 2, Pre-Season, January 1977, pp. 12 – 13, Classics in Cane: Classic Rods and Rodmakers by Martin J. Keane (Dave Engerbretson) – Book review. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 8, No. 2, Pre-Season, January 1977, pp. 62 – 65, New Life for Old Bamboo 2 (Dave Engerbretson). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter 1977, p. 94 – 95 +? +?, Guides and Grips, (Everet Garrison with Hoagy B. Carmichael).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pre-Season, January 1978, pp. 15 – 17, Bamboo in the Basement – Bookreview: How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods by George W. Barnes. (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pre-Season, January 1978, pp. 30 – 35, Collectible Cane, (Tom Maxwell).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pre-Season, January 1978, pp. 94 – 100, Fly-Rod Action and Taper Design, (Everett Garrison with Hoagy B. Carmichael).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 9, No. 7, Late Season, July 1978, pp. 63, Cane Rod Care – Q and A.
- Fly Fisherman, Spring 1978, Sewing A Rod Bag (Barbara Peterson).
- Fly Fisherman, April 1978, Where The Action Was … And Is (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman, Jan/Feb 1979, pp. 24 – 27, Special Section: Fly Rods. Fly-Rod Functions (Lefty Kreh). *
- Fly Fisherman, Jan/Feb 1979, pp. 28 – 35, Special Section: Fly Rods. Fundamental questions about Fly Rods – Interview with Russ Peak, Harry Wilson, Walton Powell, Howard Steere, Tom Maxwell and Jim Green. *
- Fly Fisherman, Jan/Feb. 1979, pp. 99 – 100, Notes on Rod Selection (Dick Finlay). *
- Fly Fisherman, April 1979, Guidelines For Guide Placement (Dick Finlay).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 11, No. 3, Spring/March 1980, pp. 155 – 159, Taking Care of Ferrules (Len Codella). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 1980, pp. 102 – 103, Handling ferrules (Len Codella). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 1980 , pp. 104 – 108, Scrapers for Cane (Ralph Moon). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 11, No. 6, July/Sep. 1980, p. 10, To Scrape or … (Hoagy B. Carmichael) – comment to the Ralph Moon’s article ‘Scrapers for Cane’ April 1980. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, No. 2, Jan./Feb. 1981, p. 8, The Plane Truth (Ralph W. Moon) – answer to Hoagy Charmichael. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, No. 2, Jan/Feb. 1981, pp. 60-61, Correcting Ferrule Misfits (Dick Talleur). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, No. 2, Jan/Feb. 1981, pp. 78 – 79 + 90 – 93, Fly Tackle 1981, Bamboo Rods, (Compiled by John Barstow). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, No. 2, Jan/Feb. 1981, 126-128, Selecting Cane (Hoagy B. Carmichael). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, No. 5, May/June 1981, pp. 74-75, Progressive-Taper Fly Rods (Dick Finlay). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, Summer Season, No. 6, July/September 1981, pp. 12 – 13, Tonkin Cane (G. Buckley Juhasz, Anglersmail) – Comment on “Selecting Cane” 2/1981.
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 12, Summer Season, No. 6, July/September 1981, pp. 84 – 86, Rod, Reels and Georgia Fatwood (Craig Woods) – Bookreview: The Orvis Story by Austin Hogan and Paul Schullery.
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 15, No. 4, June 1984, pp. 29, Cane Is Able To Meet Challenge, (Dave Engerbretson). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 16, No. 5, July 1985, pp. 32-35, Collecting Antique Fly-Fishing Tackle (Bill Anderson) *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 19, No. 2, March 1988, (Special Equipment Issue), p. 36-38 + 40-41 + 76-78, BAMBOO, (John Gierach). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 19, No. 2, March 1988, (Special Equipment Issue), p.39, Buying a Bamboo Rod. Ten things to look for (John Gierach). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 19, No. 3, May 1988, pp. 6, Bamboo Rodmaking Greats (Paul Fischer) – comment on “Bamboo” article in the March 1988 issue. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 21, No. 6, Sep. 1990, pp. 5, The Walton Powell Rod … a fly rod with a soul (Advertisement). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 22, No. 5, July 1991, pp. 11, 14 and 16, Short Rods Extended. You can make long casts and land big fish with short rods. (Lee Wulff) – mentioning casting a 6-foot Orvis, Wes Jordan bamboo rod. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 22, No. 5, July 1991, pp. 22 – 23, Robert Traver (1903 – 1991). Testament of a Fisherman (David Watterworth) – Orbituary (aka. John Voelker). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 25, No. 5, July 1994, pp. 30, Walton Powell … up and at it again! (Walton Powell) – writing about getting prostate cancer, bamboo rods and the Walton Powell segmented graphite fly rod (Advertisement). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol 25, No. 6, Sep. 1994, pp. 24, Bamboo Rodmaking School (xx) – Wayne Cattanach, six-day course in Arkansas. *
- Fly Fisherman, June 1995, Tom Morgan, (John Randolph).
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 30, No. 2, Feb. 1999, pp. 29, Morgan Update – short note. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 30, No. 4, May 1999, pp. 48-51, Antique Bamboo Rods (Cantwell Clark). *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 31, No. 2, Feb. 2000, pp. 22-23, Bookreview. Royal Coachman.The Lore and Legends of Fly-Fishing by Paul Schullery *
- Fly Fisherman, Dec. 2000, pp. 23-24, Bookreview. The Technology of Fly Rods by Don Phillips *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 33, No. 1, Dec. 2001, pp.26, Walt Powell (1915-2001) – Bamboo rod legend leaves legacy (Chuck Stranahan) – obituary. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 37. No. 3, March 2006, pp. 28, Bamboo Builders – note on Jerry Kustic, Wayne Maca, Jeff Walker and Glenn Bracket leaving The R. L. Winston Rod Co. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 37. No. 3, March 2006, pp. 29, Ernie Schwiebert Dies – Short note. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 37. No. 3, March 2006, pp. 66, Diamondback – Diamondback is producing the Cane Series – 2-piece, 4- and 5-weight bamboo rods. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 37. No. 4, May 2006, pp. 2+4+75, Ernie – His life and his writing defined his love of beauty (John Randolph) – Obituary. *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 38. No. 4, May 2007, pp. 27, Bookreview. Casting a Spell. The Bamboo Fly Rod and the American Persuit of Perfection by George Black *
- Fly Fisherman, Vol. 38. No. 5, July 2007, pp. 25, The Boo Boys’ Last Winston – Short note. *
- Flyfisher Magazine (Australia), Issue 6, My Path into Bamboo (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 7, Bamboo Rod Care (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 8, Rod Tapers, Famous Makers, and their Rod Styles (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 9, Casting with Cane (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 10, Making your own Rod (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 11, Tackle Considerations – Reels, Lines, Leaders etc. – for Bamboo (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 12, Little Rods – Part 1 – Ray Brown and The Well-Tempered Angler (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 13, Little Rods – Part 2 – The Monaro 45 and the Bush Creek (Nick Taransky)
- Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 14, Japanese Rods and Rodmakers (Nick Taransky)
- The Flyfisher Magazine (UK), Issue 39, Sep. 2016, pp. 39, Bookreview: Kathy Scott, Letters to Everett Garrison – (Download).
- The Flyfisher Magazine, Issue 40, Oct. 2016, pp. 31, Press Release: Kathy Scott, Letters to Everett Garrison – (Download).
Flyfishers’ Journal (UK), The Flyfishers’ Club, London.
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Summer 1973, Volume 62, Number 245, pp. 96 – 98, Skues and the World’s Best Rod (T.D. Overfield). *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Spring 1974, Volume 63, Number 248, pp. 57 – 58, Skues and the World’s Best Rod – A Sequel. *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Summer 1974, Volume 63, Number 249, pp. 94 – 99, Skues and the World’s Best Rod (2) (Leonardo del Lago). *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Autumn 1975, Volume 64, Number 254, pp. 220 – 222, Walton Powell Builds The Golden Signature Rod (Nils Färnström). *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Spring 1978, Volume 67, Number 264, pp. 86 – 87, Book Review: “Classic Rods and Rod Makers by Martin J. Keane” (G.C.A.). *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Spring 1978, Volume 67, Number 264, pp. 87 – 90, Book Rewiew: A Masters Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod by E. Garrison and H.B. Carmichael (G.C.A.). *
- Flyfishers’ Journal, Summer 1978, Volume 67, Number 265, p. 160, Poem: “Greenheart” (Sheona Lodge). *
- FlyFishing (USA), 1985, Bamboo Artistery (Deke Meyer)
- FlyFishing, 1986, A Guide For Refinishing Damaged Bamboo Fly Rods (Gary L. Fenwick)
- FlyFishing, Feb. 1994, The Arcane Art (Notes from Camp Bucktail) (Steve Raymond)
- FlyFishing, Feb. 1994, (mention of rodmaker Peter McVey) (Steve Probasco)
- FlyFishing, Dec. 1997, Blue Collar Cane Rods
- FlyFishing & FlyTying
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying , April 1996, pp. 57, Shoptalk. Agutter, Travel Rod 9 ft #6-7, 4pc –
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying , April 1997, pp. 24, Magic Wands – getting a lesson in cane rod-building from Tom Moran (Peter Lapsley) *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying , Jan/Feb. 1999, pp. 64, Streamside workshop (x) – Tom Moran’s craftmanship is now based on the Kennet (Short note). *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, Sep. 2003. pp. 4 – 7, For the love of cane (Peter Lapsey) – report from a meeting of cane rod experts summoned to compare some models, and asks why do anglers still fish with cane. *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, Aug. 2010. pp. 88, Tackle bag, Luke Bannister 7ft #4 rod (Magnus Angus) *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, Jan. 2012, pp. 81, Tackle bag, “Beautiful presentation”, Charles Clemens Split Cane 7ft No. 3 (Magnus Angus) *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, April 2012, pp. 50-55, Of cane, silk and tarpon – about Harold Almond, splitcane, tarpon and treatment of silklines (Peter Lapsey) *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, Aug. 2013, pp. 86, Tackle bag, James Smart 6ft 6in #4 2pce. *
- Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, July 2014, pp. 16, Tom Moran 1948 – 2014 – Obituary on Tom Moran, who besides building his own rods, also was building for ‘The Franklin Rod Company’ (Mike Jordan), ‘Partridge of Redditch’, Homer Jenings, ‘Thomas and Thomas’ and ‘Hardy’ (Callum Gladstone). *
- Fly Fishing Heritage (USA), vol. 2, no. 1, Production Bamboo Rods (John Gierach) –
- FlyFishing News: Views and Reviews, (Livingston MT, USA) vol 1., no. 1 – June/July 1986 Sticks (Paul Schullery) –
- Fly Fishing Quarterly (Scientific Angler) (USA), No. 1, Spring 1991, pp.30 – 32, In Defense of Short Rods (Skip Morris). *
Fly Fishing in Salt Waters (USA), Sept./Oct. 2009, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 38-43 Cane on the Coast – ‘Bamboo Rods Shaped the Destiny of Saltwater Fly Tackle’ (Ed Mitchell) – about early saltwater fly rods. *
- Flyfishing & Tying Journal, Amatobooks.com, (USA), Winter 2008, pp.13, Trout Grass, Review (Preston Singletary). *
- Flyfishing & Tying Journal, Amatobooks.com, (USA), Winter 2008, pp.70, New Products: Highland Mills Original Bamboo Fly Rod – a 7″6′, 5-weight made in China.
- Fly Fishing The West (USA), vol. 1, no. 5 , Nov/Dec 1978, Cane by Hand (Kerry McPherdan) – profile of rodmaker Peter McVey of Merritt Lake, BC.
- Fly Fishing The West, 1979, Notes On Building An Organic Fly Rod (Dain Lones)
- Fly Fishing The West, 1981, Working Class Cane (Bill May)
Fly Line (Italy), mar-apr. 1998, pp. 36 – 39, Bamboo (Edoardo Scapin) –
- Fly Line, no. 5, 2001, pp. 84 – 87, Edoardo Scapin –
- Fly Line, may-jun. 2003, pp. 66 – 68, A misura di bambou (Edoardo Scapin) –
- Fly Line, nov-dec. 2003, pp. 60 – 65, Midge rod (Edoardo Scapin) –
- Fly Line, sep-oct. 2005, pp. 44 – 49, Bamboo Essence (Edoardo Scapin) –
- Fly Line, no. 1, 2009, pp. 18 – 21, Il bambù di Tonchino (Edoardo Scapin) –
- Fly Line, no. 4, jul-aug 2017, vol. 32, iss. 189, p. 16, Le novità di Fly Line, News: Pozzolini, Hollostar 7’2 #3. – short note on star-hollowbuild rod from Antonio Pozzolini. *
- Fly Line, no. 1, jan-feb 2018, vol. 33, iss. 192, pp. 92 – 96 Hand Mill Smart – Diabolico marchingegno perprofilare i listelli di bambu. (Vittorio Omenetto) – triangular- and quad-rods made by mill like MHM. *
- Fly Lines (BCFFF), (Canada), Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall-Winter 2010, pp. 20 – 21, Bamboo, Deer Hair & Steelhead (Ron Grantham) – (Download).
- Fly Only (Germany), Jan. 1987, pp. 50 – 57, Auswahl und Wärmebehandlung von Bambus für den Bau von gespliessten Angelruten (Stefan Pauly)
- The Fly Paper (USA), Vol.97, Issue 3 – March 1997, An Afternoon with Master Rod Maker Ray Gould
- Fly Rodders (Japan), Summer 2018, Special Feature 2, Playing with Bamboo Rods – BTHR, Classic 7’3″ #3, 2 pc.
- Fly Rod & Reel (USA)
- Rod & Reel, Nov/Dec 1979, The Price Of A Payne, (Lee Wulff)
- Rod & Reel, May/June 1981, On Coming Into Cane, (John Merwin)
- Rod & Reel, May/June 1981, Lyle Dickerson – Rodmaker, (Gary Marek)
- Rod & Reel, May/June 1982, “Fly Rod Actions“, (Dave Engerbretson)
- Rod & Reel, July/Oct. 1982, How To Break A Rod, (Lee Wutff)
- Rod & Reel, Nov./Dec. 1984, The Forgotten Rod Maker
- Rod & Reel, May/June 1985, Refinishing Cane Rods, (Barry Kustin)
- Rod & Reel, Jan./Feb. 1989, Classic Cane, (Churchill Payne, aka. Harry Middleton)
- Fly Rod & Reel, no. 4, July/Oct, 1989, pp. 44 – 48 Fly-Fishing Collectibles (Arthur Taylor) *
- Fly Rod & Reel, no. 4, July/Oct. 1990, pp. 70 – 71, Classic Cane Rods – Gallery *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Nov./Dec, 1990, Broken Bamboo (David Hughes)
- Fly Rod & Reel, July/Oct. 1992, The American Museum Of Fly Fishing (Robert F. Jones)
- Fly Rod & Reel, Jan./Feb. 1993, Lost Rod, (John Gierach)
- Fly Rod & Reel, March 1994, Using Bamboo, (John Gierach)
- Fly Rod & Reel, Jan./Feb. 1997, Split Cane Diary (Ed Engle)
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 21, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2000, pp. 30-31 + 61, Angler of the Year: John Gierach (Ed Engle) *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 22, No. 3, Jul./Aug. 2000, pp. 70 – 71, Jennifer Olsson Split Cane Signature Rods (Buzz Bryson) – The Swedisch Rodmaker Carl Johan Anderberg’s two Cane Rods: “The Midsummer”, 7’9 #4/5 and “The 4th. of July”, 8′ #5/6. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 22, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 4 – 6, Letters: A Bamboo Review? (Brian Creek). *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 2001, pp. 40 – 43 + 57 – 58, Making Your Own. For a split-cane lover, it’s the natural thing to do (Ed Engle) – Ed Engle in Homer Jennings workshop. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 23, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 2001, pp. 80 + 78-79, Bamboo Fly Rods. Obsession or investment? (John Gierach) *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 24, No. 4, July/Oct. 2002, pp. 16 – 17, Fly Fishing, The Contemplative Sport (xx) – Trout Bum Bar-B-Q, Makers Rod 2002. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 24, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2003, pp. 11, Bamboo Bluesman (xx) – John Niemiera, Rodmaker to Eric Clapton. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 29, Book Review, Splitting Cane, Conversations with Bamboo Rodmakers by Ed Engle (Seth Norman). *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 27, No. 1, March 2005, pp. The Return of a Classic (xx) – Granger Rods available again, made by Gary Lacey. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2005, pp. 34 – 35, Greg Brown. There’s a similarity between bamboo rods and acoustic guitars (John Gierach). – *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 27, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2006, pp. 10, Attention Cane-Iacs (xx) – New organization: The American Bamboo Rodmakers Association. *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 27, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2006, pp. 30 – 33 + 55, John Betts (Darrel Martin). *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 27, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2006, pp. 72 + 70 – 71, Collecting Rods. The freakonomics of a bamboo fetish (John Gierach). *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 28, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 26, Film Review, Trout Grass by David James Duncan (Seth Norman). *
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 28, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2007, pp. 65, New Gear: High Sierra Rod Company’s Brookie Rod (Paul Guernsey).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 29, No. 2, April 2007, pp. 10, Short Casts: Scott’s Bamboo Rods (Buzz Bryson).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 29, No. 3, June 2007, pp. 10, Short Casts: $ 15.000 Fly Rod – Here’s your chance to own a piece of history. The last of the Boo Boys Winston Rod on auction.
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 29, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 2007, pp. 32 – 35 + 54, Lives of Fly Rods (Donald J. Goodman). –
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 30, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 2008, pp. 15, New Gear: Highland Mills Bamboo Rods.
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 30, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2009, pp. 10 – 11, Short Casts: A Life in Rod-Making. Tom Morgan earns the Bellinger Award (Seth Norman).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 30, No. 6, Jan./Feb. 2009, pp. 12, Books: Casting a Spell. By George Black (Seth Norman).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2009, pp. 4, Letters: Making Morgan Rods (Vince Zywiec and Tom Morgan).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 31, No. 2, April 2009, pp. 13, Books: Changing Planes. By Kathy Scott (Seth Norman).
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 31, No. 5, Oct./Nov. 2009, pp. 14, News & Updates: Win Bamboo! Scott FR&R 30th Anniversary Fly Rod.
- Fly Rod & Reel, Vol. 31, No. 5, Oct./Nov. 2009, pp. 50 – 53, Creative Solutions. 80 Years, R.L. Winston Rod Co. (Tom Keer).
- Fly Rod & Reel, the Angling Adventures 2011 issue, Don’t Fear the Ferrule (Zach Matthews) (Download).
- Forest and Stream (USA), 1875, About a Leonard Rod. “The magazine reported that the celebrated Maine craftsman was making an exhibition rod for Abbey & Imbre, which would be put on display at the 1886 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. The rod was to have a solid-gold reel seat set with amethysts and precious stones, gold ferrules and guides, and gold silk windings. The cost would be ‘about $2.000’ Gilded Age indeed. There’s no record of whether anyone actually bought the rod, but there were plenty in New York in 1875 who had the means to do so.” (Quote from G. Black, “Casting a Spell” p. 38).
- Fresno Bee (USA), Oct. 7, 1990, Trout Fever (Paul Hendrickson)
- Gentleman’s Quarterly (USA), July 1992, Cane is Able
- Gordon’s Quill, (Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Inc.) Vol. 19, No. 16, Spring 2008, Bamboo Rod Raffle. To Benefit TGF’s Beaverkill Resoration Project (xx) – Rod made by Mike Canazon.
- Gordon’s Ouill, Vol. 27, No. 33, Fall 2016, Bamboo in the Closet: Treasure or …. What? (Fred Kretchman) –
- Grants Pass Daily Courier, (Grants Pass, OR, USA) April 29, 1995, They make divine rods: Pyle, Roberts keep anglers happy with custom work (Jeff Duewel) – article on rod restorer Jack Pyle.
- Grayling (UK), The Journal of The Grayling Society. Volume 30, Number 3, Winter 2022, pp. 40 – 41, Fishing Split Cane Fly Rods (Stephen Newton) –
- Gray’s Sporting Journal (USA), vol. 2, no. 2, (Trout and Salmon) Biography: Hoagy B. Carmichael (Rebecca Crawford) – autobiographical with good illustrations. Carmichael quoted.
- Gray’s Sporting Journal, vol. 21 – February 1996, Blue Collar Cane (James R. Babb)
- The Guardian (UK), 22. August, 2009, How to make a split-cane fishing rod (Jon Henley) – article on rodmaker Edward Barder. (Download)
- The Hartford Courant Magazine (USA), March 1955, Warm-Up Time For Fishermen (Theodore Wachs, Jr.) –
- Heavener Ledger (Heavener, OK, USA), April 8, 1999, A Fish on Every Rod (Annie East) – article on rodmaker RL “Bob” Nunley.
- The Herald (USA), Aug. 26, 1987, Rod Maker is a Purist – article on rodmaker Ray Gould.
- The Herald, April 13, 1997, Fishing With Bamboo – article on rodmaker Ray Gould
- High Country Angler, Colorado TU (USA). Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter 2018, Bold Bamboo, Brush Creek Cane (Brian La Rue) – Testing a 3-weight and a 4-weight Frank Drummond Cane rod.
- Holiday Inn Companion (USA), vol. 3, no.4 – April 1977, Orvis: Angling Mastery (Jonathan Maslow)
- H2O Magazine
(Italy), Vol. VI, Fall 2013, pp. 30-35, Hardy Bros: un’azienda legendaria (Georgio Cavatonti) – (Download)
- H2O Magazine, Vol. VII, Summer 2014, pp. 64 – 67, Dagli albori delle prime Split Bamboo alle canne di Hiram Leonard (Riccardo De Stabile) – (Download)
- H2O Magazine, Vol. VIII, Spring 2015, pp. 20-27, The New Age Bamboo (Aleksandar Vrtaric) – interview with Matt Schliske, Chris Carlin & J.M. Reid. – Text in English and Italian. (Download)
- H2O Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 2, June 2016, pp. 46-51, Interview – Profile of a Rodmaker – Massimo Tirocchi (Cavatorti Giorgio). – Text in English and Italian. (Download). *
- H2O Magazine, Vol. X, No. 3, Sep. 2017, pp. 30 – 37, Interview, Edoardo Scapin (Alberto Galeazzo) – Text in English and Italian. (Download). *
- H2O Magazine, Vol. X, No. 4, Dec.. 2017, pp. 56 – 61, History of Winston (Cavatorti Giorgio). – Text in English and Italian. (Download). *
- H2O Magazine, Vol. XI, No. 1, Mar. 2018, pp. 30 – 35, Interview: Bamboo Rodmaker Robert Stroh, Germany (xxx) – Text in English and Italian. (Download). *
- The Independent – (London, UK), June 28, 1993, Out of Japan: Getting Hooked On A Samurai Sport (Terry McCarthy) – article on rodmaker Enko Kambara.
- The Independent, Dec. 12, 1999, Fishing Lines: Just What I Always Wanted – A Split Cane Rod (Keith Elliott). – about Edward Barder. (Download)
- The Independent, 16. December, 2002, Staring at a freak of nature rendered beautiful by craftsmen (Annalisa Barbieri) – about The Edward Barder Rod Company. (Download)
- Jagd & Natur (Swiss-German), Oct. & Nov. 1998, articles by rodmaker Stefan Grau.
- Journal of Applied Mecanics, 71(5), Sep. 2004, Effect of Loop Shape on the Drag-Induced Lift of Fly Line (Caroline Gatti-Bono, N.C. Perkins).
- Journal of Bamboo Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, July 1984, pp. 48 – 61, A Preliminary Study of the Biological Characteristics of Pseudosasa Amabilis in Huaiji County, Guangdong Province (Xu Yingbao, Xu Bengli) – the last page in english.
- Kew Bulletin (USA), 1956, Fishing Rod Botany: A Review (N.W. Simmonds)
- l’Argus de la pêche – French newsletter concerning fishing takle collectibles and reports, from time to time on bamboo fly rods.
- H.L. Leonard Rod Co. Quarterly Newspaper, Vol. 1, No. 2, October 1976, Leonard Rod Store. A Must Visit. –
- Life Refined (USA), Spring 2014, Bamboo Roots (Zach Matthews) – Today’s bamboo fly rod makers connect anglers to the history of their sport. (Download)
- Lingnan Science Journal (USA), Vol. 10, No. 1; 1931, pp. 5 – 10, Studies on Chinese Bamboos, Part 1 – A new Species of Arundinaria from Southern China (F.A. McClure) – Diagnosis.
- Lingnan Science Journal (USA), Vol. 10, No. 2+3, 1931, pp. 295 – 305, Studies on Chinese Bamboos, Part 2 – A new Species of Arundinaria from Southern China (F.A. McClure) – Notes on Culture, Preparation for Market, and Uses.
- Magazine For Fly Fisherman (Japan), No. 42, early summer, 1998, – (Japanese publication that contains an article on Rodmaker Walt Carpenter)
- Magazine For Fly Fisherman, No. 43, early autumn, 1998, – (Japanese publication that contains an article on Rodmaker Hoagy Carmichael)
- Mechanix Illustrated, April 1953, pp. 70 – 71 + 93, Dean of Fish Tacklers (West F. Peterson) – about William Mills & Son, Inc.
- Mercedes, Vol. VIII – 1983, Craftsmanship Lives, The Other Hoagy Carmichael (Stephan Wilkinson) – well written article with very good photos.
- Miami Herald (USA), Oct. 23, 1987, A Fishing Rod For Yuppies: Costly Bamboo Rods Revived By Well-To-Do Anglers (Eric Sharp)
- Milwaukee Sentinel (USA), July 5, 1955, Ike’s Fishing Technique (James Marlow)
- The Mission (USA), Iss. 6, Nov/Dec. 2017, pp. 84 – 89, Cane Poon, Thomas and Thomas sextant Split Cane 12# Fly Rod – T&T rodmaker Troy Jacques: I’m hoping that we can go back to the Joe Brooks era, go back to our heritage, and go fish for tarpon, redfish, bonefish, permit with bamboo – (Download).
- The Mission, Iss. 19, Jan./Feb. 2020, pp. 85 – 86, Chris Clemens – Rodmaker living in the UK, born in South Africa. Worked 2 years for Orvis, now on his own. (Download).
- Missoulian (Missoula, MT, USA) June 11, 1993, Hot Rods: In Twin Bridges, They’re Building Fly Rods Known The World Over (Daryl Gadbow) – article on Tom Morgan at Winston.
- Missoulian (Missoula, MT) June 2, 1994, Hot Rods: Stevensville Man Hand-Crafts Classic Bamboo Ones (Daryl Gadbow) – article on rodmaker Don Hardin.
- Montreal Gazette (USA), April 21, 1991, Anglers Hooked On Craftsman’s Bamboo Fly Rods (Bill Brownstein) – article on rodmaker Terence Ackland.
- Mother Earth News (USA), Aug./Sept. 1993, Summer fly-fishing: it was along North Carolina’s bass-and-trout-filled lakes that I learned the basics (Joel Bourne)
- National Geographic (USA), July 1951, pp. 100 – 108, Spain’s Silkworm Gut (Luis Marden) – (Teilübersetzung, Hans E. Nischkauer)
- National Geographic, Vol. 158, No. 4, October 1980, pp. 502 – 529 Bamboo, the Giant Grass (Luis Marden) *
- National Geographic, April 1996, A Passion for Trout (Cathy Newman) *
- Natur & Fischen, Vol 4, 2002, Back to the wood(s) oder die gespliesste Angelrute (Stefan Grau, rodmaker).
- Nelson Mail (USA), June 15, 1998, Cane Still Casts Spell – article on rod restorer Roger Thomas.
- News-Sentinel (USA), Jan. 23, 1993, Cast Your Fate With Fine Bamboo Fly Rod, Fisherman Cherish Quality Cane Equipment (Joe Dean).
- News-Star (USA), May 5, 2002, Winnsboro rod maker teaches global class (Buster Wolfe) – article on rodmaker Harry Boyd.
- New Yorker (USA), June 22, 1987, Profiles: The Only Way
- New York Times (USA), 1848 ?, (a reference to a Phillippi Bamboo Rod is made by B. Phillips).
- New York Times (Westchester Guide), Nov. 9, 1980, Art of Bamboo Fly Rods (Eleanor Charles) – notice of lecture by Hoagy Carmichael.
- New York Times, Dec. 13, 1982, How To Build Your Own Fly Rod (Nelson Bryant)
- New York Times, June 27, 1991, Tailor-Made Fly Rods (Terry Trucco) – article on rodmaker Ed Fody.
- New York Times, Dec. 29, 1991 , The Art and Craft of Bamboo Rods (John Gierach)
- New York Times – Times Magazine, March 18, 2001, Toys; Spare The Rod (Stephen C. Sautner) – article on rodmaker Hoagy B. Carmichael.
- New York Times, Oct. 29. 2024, John Gierach Fly Fishing Author With Wit and Wisdom Dies at 77 (Clay Risen) – obituary.
- The North Woods call (USA), June 24, 1981
- NZ Trout Fisher (New Zealand) 143, April/May 2014, pp. 24 – 33, Cane Class – They say that, to teach is to learn twice … (Nick Taransky and Kel Macnab) – Nick Taransky completes Kel Macnab’s education.
- The Orvis Company, Manchester, Vermont (USA) , Treasury of Fishing Secrets
- Outdoor Life (USA), vol. 75, no. 4, April 1935, (pp. 40 – 41) Bamboo and Skill – An Unusual and Interesting Story of How Master Craftsmen Fashion a Fishing Rod, Told in Pictures – Photos by Staff Photographer at E. F. Payne Rod Co., Highland Mills, N. Y.
- Outdoor Life, vol. 89, No. 5, May 1942, (pp. 23 – 25 + 59) Tune Up Your Fishing Rod (Walter E. Burton) – repairing and refinishing bamboo rods.
- Outdoor Life, vol. 90, no. 4, April 1943, (pp. 34 – 35 + 54 ) Rod Guides, You can make them at Home (Kenneth Murray)
- Outdoor Life, vol. 95, no. 1, Jan. 1945, (pp. 12 – 13 + 70) Bamboo Rods That Can’t Wear Out ! (Edwin Way Teale) – about The Charles F. Orvis Company impregnating Bamboo Rods with Bakelite.
- Outdoor Life, vol. 101, no. 3, March 1948, (pp. 48 – 51 + 104) Here’s the Way to Repair That Bamboo Rod (Claude M. Kreider) – ‘Expert advice on overhauling everything from ferrules to finish, and reparing breaks’.
- Outdoor Life, vol. 153, no.5, May 1974, (pp. 84 – 85 + 162 – 167) These Yankees Hunt Wild Turkeys Again (Ted Janes) – Wes Jordan (Rodmaker) hunting Wild Turkey in Vermont.
- Outside Magazine (USA), June 1995, Reluctant Provider (David Quammen)
- Outside Magazine, August 1999, Hoagy B. Carmichael
- La Pêche Mouche (France), hors-série, No. 3, en février 1988, p. 56 – 59, Le bambou refendu, peut-on faire aussi bien? (Jean-Michel Dubos) –
- Pécheurs sportif (France), No. 49, Juil/Aou. 1983, De A á Z. Panorama de mes constructions de cannes en bambou refendu (Daniel Bremond) –
- Pennsylvania Angler (USA), January 1952, Fly Rods in America (John Alden Knight)
- Pennsylvania Angler, December 1952, Gluing Techniques for the Amateur Rodbuilder, part I (Vincent Marino)
- Pennsylvania Angler, January 1953, Gluing Techniques for the Amateur Rodbuilder, part II (Vincent Marino)
- Pennsylvania Angler, December 1971, Split Your Own Bamboo (Bill Fink)
- Philadelphia Inquirer (USA), Feb. 20, 1996, Fishing May Be Bliss, But Making Those Bamboo Rods Is An Art Form A Medford Lakes Man Is Reeling In Recognition (Douglas A. Campbell) – article on rodmaker Bill Fink.
- Philadelphia Inquirer, March 17, 1996, At The End Of The 20th Century, A Look At Fishing In The 18th, Ken Reinard, of Lancaster County Relishes The Idea Of Catching Trout The Way Anglers Did In The 1700’s (Stephen J. Morgan) – article on The Colonial Angler.
- Philadelphia Inquirer, April 5, 1998, Dedicated To His Art, He Lives A Simple Life “Bamboo Is A Lot Like Me, ” Rodmaker Tom Maxwell Said. It’s An Anachronism (Conrad Grove)
- Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 6, 1998, In His Hands, Both Rods And Minds Were Made Nimble (Conrad Grove) – article on rodmaker Tom Maxwell.
- Piscator (South Africa), The Cape Piscatorial Society, No. 138, Nov. 2006, The Allure of the Split Cane Rod (Stephen Dugmore) –
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (USA), Dec. 23, 2001, Baldwin angler builds four-sided rods (Deborah Weisberg) – article on rodmaker Tim Zietak.
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, Le Magazine des Pecheurs à la Mouche (France), Nov.-Dec. 1959, p. 305 – 306, Les Cannes a Mouche Francaises (Claude Saint-Andrè).
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 50 – 51, Dèc. 1960 – Jan. 1961, Pezon & Michel Magazine. Edition Speciale 1860 -1960. Il était une fois … –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 159, Jan/Fev. 1975, Pour Quelques Grammes de Moins (Daniel Brémond) –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 2, juillet-août, 1989, p. 14 – 17, Le Retour Du Refendu (Jean Tesseyre) –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 2, juillet-août, 1989, p. 18 – 19, Le refendu est un industrie…À amboise, c’est aussi un art. (Jean Tesseyre).
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 31, mai-juin, 1994, p. 22 – 25, Les Refendus de Pezon & Michel (Pierre Coursaget et Laurent Sainsot).
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 32, juillet-août, 1994, p. 32 – 35, Les Fanas du Refendu (Laurent Sainsot) –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 38, juillet-août, 1994,, p. 78, Henri Garreau. Constructeur dijonnais de bambou refendu (Jean-Paul Pequegnot) –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. 48, mars-avril, 1997, p. 32 – 36, Souvenirs, Vingt ans apres Charles Ritz (Pierre Caillau) –
- Plaisirs de la Pêche, No. ??, ??, p. 58 – 59, Les Cannes Grandclaude (Jean-Paul Pequegnot) –
- The Planing Form, An International Newsletter for Split Bamboo Rod Makers. 1990-2014, issues 1-150 (USA), Alder Creek Publishing. Issues 1-150 on CD. *
- Power Fibers, Online Magazine (2000 – ), (USA):
- Power Fibers, Vol. 7, April 2002, The F.I.B.H. Ferrule – Part 1 (Bjarne Fries).
- Power Fibers, Vol. 8, July 2002, Building the F.I.B.H. Ferrule – Part 2 (Bjarne Fries).
- Power Fibers, Vol. 58, Jan 2018, Some Myths of Bamboo Rodmaking and Beyond (Peer Doering-Arjes).
- Power Fibers, Vol. 65, June 2022, Avoid nodes, use Vietnamese bamboo! (Peer Doering-Arjes).
- Providence Sunday Journal (USA), Feb. 15, 1998, Bamboo Rods Highly Collectible, But Priceless To Those Who Fish (Tom Meade) – article on rodmaker Gus Carlson.
- Record (Northern N.J., USA) Jan. 17, 1996, Costly Gear Nice But Unnecessary (Don Ecker)
- Redstone Review (Lyons, Colorado, USA), Vol. 25. No. 9, Oct/Nov. 2024. P. 2, Remembering John Gierach (Ed Engle) – obituary
- Redstone Review (Lyons, Colorado, USA), Vol. 25. No. 9, Oct/Nov. 2024. P. 6, John Gierach – an appreciation (Peter Butler) – obituary
- Redstone Review (Lyons, Colorado, USA), Vol. 25. No. 9, Oct/Nov. 2024. P. 9, A Poem for John (Sally King) –
- Riffles and Runs, (The Wilton Fly Fishing Club) (UK), Issue No 22, Autumn 2018, pp. 4, Handmade Perfection – and a wonderfull gift to the Club (Mike Tebbs) – “The Wylye Special” Splitcane Fly Rod by Kurt Zumbrunn (13 strip).
- Rocky Mountain News (USA), Jan. 17, 1990, Bailey’s Man’s Cane Rods Are Hand-Crafted Classics (Dentry) – article on rodmaker Ted Grycel.
- Rocky Mountain News, Dec. 22, 1991, Lyons Man Casts A Neat Rod: Artisan Uses Bamboo For Custom-Made Beauties (Kevin McCullen) – article on Mike Clark.
- Roanoke Times (USA), May 12, 2002, Retired attorney turns passion for fly rods into business: No hollow hobby, (Mark Taylor) – article on rodmaker Rick Robbins.
- Robb Report (USA), August 1998, Rods of Yesteryear (Michael Pearce) – article on Douglas Kulick of Kane Klassics.
- RodMaker (USA), Sept./Oct. 1999, Vol. 2, issue 5, Apprenticeships – the second step to mastery (Russ Gooding)
- RodMaker, Nov./Dec. 1999, vol. 2, issue 6, Selecting Quality Cane (Bernard Elser)
- RodMaker, Jan./Feb. 2000, Vol. 3, issue 1, Tempering Bamboo
- RodMaker, Mar./April, 2000, Vol. 3, issue 2, Splitting Cane“
- RodMaker, May/June, 2000, Vol. 3, issue 3, “Roughing Cane – part I (Russ Gooding)
- RodMaker, Sept./Oct. 2000, Vol. 3, issue 5, Roughing Cane – part II (Russ Gooding)
- RodMaker, Nov./Dec. 2000, Vol. 3, issue 6, Tapering Bamboo (Bernard Elser)
- RodMaker, Jan./Feb. 2001, Vol. 4, issue 1, A Sticky Situation (Russ Gooding) – Gluing techniques for a bamboo fly rod.
- RodMaker, Mar./April, 2001, Vol. 4, issue 2, Finishing Cane
- RodMaker, May/June, 2001, Vol. 4, issue 3, Ferrules, Reel Seat, Grip (Bernard Elser)
- RodMaker, July/Aug. 2001, Vol. 4, issue 4, Bamboo Rod Wrapping & Wrap Finishing (Russ Gooding)
- RodMaker, Oct./Nov. 2001, Vol. 4, issue 5, Bamboo Dip Finishing (Russ Gooding)
- RodMaker, 2001, Vol. 4, issue 6, A Rodmaker’s Essay: Economies of Scale (Bernard Elser)
- RodMaker, 2002, Vol. 5, issue 2, Making Ferrule Plugs (Russ Gooding).
- RodMaker, 2002, Vol. 5, issue 3, Lapping Ferrules: Using lapping files for dressing male ferrules (Bernard Elser).
- RodMaker, 2002, Vol. 5, issue 4, Black Feet, Artifacts Of Process, Education & Competitive Grace (Russ Gooding).
- RodMaker, 2005, Vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 18 – 19, The Rod Maker’s Cork Grade Scale –
- RodMaker, 2006, Vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 10 – 14, Birch_Bark_Handles (Antti Kymalainen)
- RodMaker, 2010, Vol. 13, issue 4, The Case for Offering Bamboo
- RodMaker, 2010, Vol. 13, issue 6, Another View – Bamboo Rod Blanks
- RodMaker, 2012, Vol. 15, issue 2, Bamboo Saltwater Rods
- Rodmakers’ Guild Newsletter (USA), Feb. 19, 1947, (1st issue) Article on Cutters For Milling Bamboo, Editor Alfred Miller (aka. Sparse Grey Hackle) (New York Angler’s Club?)
- Rodmakers’ Guild Newsletter, (2nd & 3rd issues) Articles on Dipping by Garrison and Stripping Guides by Dickerson, Editor Alfred Miller (aka. Sparse Grey Hackle) (New York Angler’s Club?)
- Sacramento Bee (USA), Feb. 26, 1992, Old Rods Offer Hints Of Age (Gary Voet)
- Sacramento Business Journal (USA), Vol. 17, No. 17, July 2001, Suit Claims Fishy Takeover By Schwab (Mark Anderson) – article regarding the Walton Powell vs. Charles Schwab suit.
Salmon, Trout & Sea-trout (UK), April 1990, pp. 73, Joys of the splice (Philip de Mancha) *
- Salmon, Trout & Sea-trout, Jan. 1991, pp. 36 – 38, Fishing rods through the ages (Graham Turner) – the development of the fishing rod. *
- Salmon, Trout & Sea-trout, Feb. 1991, pp. 26 – 28, The comforting facts about cork (Tony Deacon) *
- Salmon, Trout & Sea-trout, June 1998, pp. 54 – 56, Rob Wilson – A Highland Gentleman (Peter Hay) – After seven years in RAF, the Wing Commander returned to Brora in 1947 and started building split cane and greenheart rods. *
- Salt Lake Tribune (USA), April 1, 1982, Bamboo Fly Rod Tradition Kept Alive (Tom Wharton) – profile of rodbuilder Ralph Moon.
- San Jose Mercury News (USA), June 4, 1992, Passion Plus Science Make Flyrods Special (Bill Sunderland) – article on rodmaker Walton Powell.
- San Mateo County Times (USA), Feb. 8, 1999, Of Fly Fishing And Poetry (Jessica M. Scully) – quote by rodmaker and fly fishing guru Ralph Moon.
- Schreiner Zeitung, Nr. 42, 18. okt. 2012, Das schafft keine CNC – article on Rolf Baginsky and his Bamboo Rods.
- Scientific American (USA), May 1929, pp. 422 – 423, From Bamboo Forests to Fishing Rods – The Modern Split-Bamboo Fishing Rod Is a Far Cry From the Crude “Pole” of Boyhood Days (xxx) –
- Science and Mechanics (USA), August 1952, Custom Build you own Fly Rod (Dawn Holbrook)
- Scribner’s Monthly (USA), Vol. 2 , no. 6 , October 1876, Notes on Salmon Fishing (A. G. Wilkinson) – mention of Phillipe split cane rod.
- Scribner’s Monthly, 1878, Descscribes the new Leonard machine (H. Leonard made together with his nephew Loman Hawes), that could cut bamboo to tolerances of a few thousandths of an inch. “The magazine described how the beveler fed strips of bamboo into a pair of rotary blades set at a precise angle of sixty degrees, while a separate mechanism raised each strip progressively as it drew closer to the blades, thus achieving the desired taper” (Quote: G. Black, “Casting a Spell” p. 35).
- Sea Frontiers (USA), August 1994, Styles In Angling (Martin H. Garrell)
- Seattle Times (USA), May 23, 1989, British Columbia Combo: Superb Food, Fine Fly Fishing (Steve Raymond) – article on Corbett Lake, BC.
- Seattle Times, July 27, 2019, Ray Gould (1952 – 2019) – Obituary.
- Sedge & Mayfly
(Italy), n. 1, 2000, pp. ?, La canna per la pesca con la mosca artificiale in bambù del Tonchino (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 2, 2001, pp. ?, Comprare una canna in bambù (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 4, 2001, pp. ?, La pesca a mosca con la canna in bambù (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 6, 2002, pp. ?, La febbre della costruzione (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 7, 2002, pp. ?, Ronald J. Barch (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 8, 2002, pp. ?, Chris Bogart (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 10, 2003, pp. ?, John C. Zimmy Rod Company Qualità senza compromessi (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 13, 2003, pp. ?, Tom Morgan: un’icona della pesca a mosca (Marco Boretti, Bob Maulucci)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 14, 2003, pp. ?, Tom Morgan: un’icona della pesca a mosca (Bob Maulucci)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 15, 2003, pp. ?, Walter Brunner (Marco Boretti)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 20, 2004, pp. ?, Le canne di Marco Boretti (Mattioli Massimiliano)
- Sedge & Mayfly, aug-sep., 2008, pp. 29 – 37, Edoardo Scapin, Ritratto di un bamboo rod-maker italiano (Enrico Rossi) –
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 49, 2009, pp. ?, Lo stradivari del bambù (Enrico Rossi)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 53, 2010, pp. ?, Michele Gallo – Bambù Rodmaker (Massimo Masi)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 54, 2010, pp. 24 – 31, La Leggerez za del Bambú (Enrico Rossi) – about rodmaker Radivoj Savli from Slovenia.
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 61, 2011, pp. ?, Jim Payne (Enrico Rossi)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 71, 2013, pp. ?, HL Leonard (Enrico Rossi)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 71, 2013, pp. ?, Massimo Masi – Rodmaker (Stefano Giovanardi)
- Sedge & Mayfly, n. 77, 2016, pp. 6 – 17, Dedicato a chi sceglie il bambu (Enrico Rossi) – Il bambù, questo sconosciuto, La ricerca del rod-maker La scelta del taper, Il processo di construzione, Caratteristiche e rifiniture, Il mercato del vintage, A pesca col bambù. *
- Servus (Austria), Mai, 2013, pp. 114 – 120, Zauberstäbe aus Bambus (Klaus Kamolz) – about Harald Langer, Austria. (Download)
- Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, WI, USA), June, 27, 1996, An Investment In Quality (Barry Ginter) – article on rodmaker Gene Novak
- Southern African Flyfishing (African Angler, Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine) (South Africa)
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, April/May 2007, Vol. 20, No. 100, LEGENDS IN THE MAKING — A South African Triple Ought split cane rod (Ed Herbst).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, October/November 2011, Vol. 24, No. 127, BAMBOO — A glimpse into the “dark side (Peter Brigg).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, December/January 2012, Vol. 24, No. 128, INNOVATIVE LOCALS — Graphite ferrules for split cane fly-rods and other ingenious tackle refinements (Ed Herbst).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, June/July 2014, Vol. 27, No. 143, MASTERCLASS IN ROD BUILDING — Building a bamboo fly-rod — Part 1 (Dirk de Villiers).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, August/September 2014, Vol. 27, No. 144, pp. 10 – 14, Master Class in Rod Building. Building a bamboo fly-rod, Part 2 (Dirk de Villiers).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, October/November 2014, Vol. 27, No. 145, pp. 18 – 21, Master Class in Rod Building. Building a bamboo fly-rod, Part 3 (Dirk de Villiers).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, December/January 2015, Vol. 27, No. 146, pp. 42 – 45, Master Class in Rod Building. Building a bamboo fly-rod, Part 4 (Dirk de Villiers).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, June/July 2016, Vol. 29, No. 155, pp.58 – 59, Out with the New and in with the Old. Introducing the Durban Cane Rod-Builders’ Guild (Andrew A. Mather).
- Africa’s Original Flyfishing Magazine, December/January 2018, Vol. 30, No. 164, pp. 14 – 16, Tortoiseshell flaming a cane rod (Moreno Borriero).
- Southern African Flyfishing, Vol. 32, No. 168, Sep/Oct. 2018, pp. 56 – 61. Master Craftsman (Craig Thom) – about Stephen Boshoff, South African Rodmaker. (Download).
- Southern African Flyfishing. Vol. 32, No. 169, November 2018, pp. 56 – 61. Searching for Oom Sage, they don’t make them like this any more (Gordon van der Spuy) – (Download).
- Southern African Flyfishing. Vol. 33, No. 174, Sep/Oct. 2019, pp. 16 – 23. The Impeccable Mr. Barder (Clement Booth) – (Download).
- Southern Living (USA), Dec. 1998, Dreaming Of Bamboo by Dianne Young
- Southern Trout (USA), Iss. 4, Dec/Jan. 2013, pp. 44 – 46, Bamboo for you ? (Marc Payne) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 5, Feb/Mar. 2013, pp. 58 – 60, Garrisons old taper and a big brown (Marc Payne) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 6, Apr/May 2013, pp. 76 – 78, Of Bamboo and Flies (Marc Payne) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 9, Oct/Nov. 2013, pp. 76 – 78, Oyster, fine bamboo fly rods –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 10, Dec/Jan. 2014, pp. 68 – 72, The Rod Wizard of Raven Fork (Loryn Kirk) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 13, Jun/Jul. 2014, pp. 34 – 39, John Hollifield –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 15, Dec/Jan. 2015, pp. 82 – 87, Walter Babb, Tellico River Rods and Flies, Sweetwater, Tennesee. –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 17, Feb/Mar. 2015, pp. 156 – 161, That Wood Fishing Rod Has Soul, Man! (Timothy P. O’Brian) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 18, Apr/May 2015, pp. 12 – 18, Fly Lines for Bamboo Rods (Bob Mallard) –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 19, Jun/Jul. 2015, pp. 138 – 145, Jason Weeks, Winston, GA. –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 20, Aug/Sep. 2015, pp. 166 – 171, Carolina Cane Splitter Richard Teeter (Ragan Whitlock). – (Download).
- Southern Trout, Iss. 22, Dec/Jan. 2016, pp. 90 – 97, Harry Boyd, Winnsboro, LA. – (Download).
- Southern Trout, Iss. 23, Feb/Mar. 2016, pp. 46 – 51, Shakespeares Wild Series Combo –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 27, Oct/Nov. 2017, pp. 160 – 165, Bamboo, One Mans Labor of Love – Marc Payne, Knoxville, TN. –
- Southern Trout, Iss. 42, Apr/May, 2019, pp. 54 – 61, Bamboo Bash’ 19, Townsend, TN –
- Southern Trout Ozark Edition (USA), Iss. 7, Nov. 2017, pp. 50 – 55, Tony Spezio, An Ozark Treasure –
- Southern Trout Ozark Edition, Iss. 10, July 2018, pp. 94 – 99, Tufts and Batson –
- Southwest Times Record (Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA), August 15, 1996, King of Bamboo (Chris Gulstad) – article on rodmaker RL “Bob” Nunley
- Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Okt. 1985, “Experiment des Monats” (Jearl Walker) – Das Flugangeln als Lehrstück Ober den Energieerhaltungssatz und Ober andere grundlegende Prinzipien der klassischen Mechanik
- Sports Afield (USA), Jan. 1994, This was my Alaska; back when the virgin streams were bursting with trout and salmon, and I was just a boy (Lee Wulff)
- Sports Afield, Feb. 1996, He Who Dies With The Most Fly Rods Wins (Thomas McGuane).
- Sports Afield, Feb. 1996, What’s your old tackle worth? (Anthony Acerrano)
- Sports Engineering (USA), 6, 2003, pp. 175 – 186, Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for fly casting dynamics (Caroline Gatti-Bono, N.C. Perkins).
- Sports Engineering, 9(2), June 2006, pp. 97 – 106, Quantitative understanding of the fly casting stroke through measurements and robotic casting (D. Anderson, N.C. Perkins, B. Richards).
- Sporting Classics (USA), Vol. 13, Issue 3, May/June 1994, It Must Be Magic (Art Carter) – An overview of several current makers.
- Sporting Classics, Vol. 20, Issue 5, Sept/Oct 2001, A Bamboo Birthday (Tom Davis) – Story regarding a William Harms rod.
- Sporting Classics, Vol. xx, Nov./Dec. 2021, pp. 106 – 112, Cane Mutiny (Tom Keer) – There is a smell of revolution in the air as increasing numbers of fly rodders
return to the tradition, performance and craftsmanship of split bamboo.
- Sportski Ribolov (Croatia), 2007, Splisani stapovi Radivoja Savlija (Aleksander Vrtaric) – about rodmaker Radivoj Savli from Slovenia.
- Sports Illustrated (USA), June 04, 1956, Father of the Fly Rod (Sparse Grey Hackle) – Alfred Miller–aka Sparse Grey Hackle–needs no introduction to the fly fishing world. As one of the most famous and beloved figures in American fishing letters, Miller penned a seminal piece in the history of fly fishing when he profiled the great Hiram Leonard. Surely one of the most important articles ever written on the subject of fly fishing. His working notes for this article were donated by the great Hoagy Carmichael, Jr. to the Catskill Museum of Fly Fishing. (Source)
- Sports Illustrated, April 24, 1961, The Fortunes of a Man and a Rod: Fishing Tackle is big Business in a Vermont Village, but the Boss gives it an Angler’s Touch (Duncan Barnes) – Barnes, a gifted writer, profiled the Orvis Company a full two decades before Atwill got around to updating the story. At the center of this article is Ducky Corkran, but behind Corkran (as always) was the genius of rodmaker Wes Jordan, who saved the firm and who helped mold it into the titan that it became. A classic article and one of SI’s best pieces on fishing. (Source)
- Sports Illustrated, March 28, 1966, The Hardy Trout Fly Rod Is Honored By Fishermen Among The English Gentry (J.A. Maxtone Graham) – Britain’s esteemed Jamie Maxtone-Graham helped introduce the legendary firm of Hardy Bros. to millions of American sporting fans who might not have known a Hardy Perfect from the Hardy Boys. At a time when Hardy’s was changing mightily, such press from across the Atlantic certainly did not hurt the fortunes of this classic firm. (Source)
- Sports Illustrated, May 05, 1980, Old and Unimproved as they may be, Split-cane Fly Rods Can’t be Beat (Michael Baughman) – Preceding Atwill’s article by almost a year, Baughman gives us an early look at the burgeoning world of the split cane fly rod just as it was first starting to take off. (Source)
- Sports Illustrated, May 11, 1981, A Vermont Fly-fishing Shop Casts Back to the Joys of the Bamboo Rod (Lionel Atwill) – At the very cusp of the bamboo revival, this work profiles Orvis (of course) in the Leigh Perkins era and discovers it to be undergoing many changes. (Source)
- Sports Illustrated, Jan. 31, 1983, A birthday to remember, nearly 70 years have passed since the author received his first fly rod, but his memory of that boyhood gift is vivid still (Walter Edmonds & Jack Unruh)
- Sports Illustrated, Sept. 5, 1988, Gadgets gathering dust may now command top dollar (Robert H. Boyle).
- St. Louis Post Dispatch (USA), July 28, 1992, Hand-Crafted Bamboo Rods Can Sell For More Than $3000 (Trudy Tynan) – Jim Murphy at Thomas & Thomas.
- State Journal-Register Springfield, IL. (USA), Jan. 16, 1999, “Making Your Own Rod Is Reel-y-fun” – article on rodmaker John Cole.
- Statesman Journal (USA), May 7, 2002, Custom fishing rods net big bucks (Stefanie Knowlton) – article on rodmaker Daryll Whitehead.
- Stillwater Trout Angler (UK), Dec. 1994. pp. 53, Cane rods of distinction (Chris Ogborne) – Q&A about Agutters, and their Valhalla cane rod. *
- The Telegraph (UK), 7. March, 2003, Luis Marden (1913-2003) – obituary (xx) – died aged 90. *(Download)
- The Telegraph, 6. Aug. 2012, Jim Hardy (1927-2012) – obituary (xx) – Jim Hardy, who has died aged 85, was the last of his family to be involved in running the great Hardy fishing tackle business. * (Download)
- The Telegraph, 27. June, 2014, Tom Moran (1948-2014) – obituary (xx) – Tom Moran was a master-craftsman who hand made world-beating split-cane fly-fishing rods in his council house at Redditch. * (Download)
- Times of London (UK), 29. September, 1990, Bamboo Rods Back In Favor For Salmon; Fishing (Conrad Voss Bark)
- Times of London, 1. June, 1998, End Of The Line For The Rod That Captured Magical Memories (Brian Clarke)
- Toronto Star (USA), April 11, 1992, Joys Of Fishing In The Catskills (Lew Gloin) – article on Roscoe, NY.
- Toute la Pêche (France), No. 32, juillet 1970, p. 44 – 47, Comment Nait Le Bambou Refendu (xxx) –
Trout and Salmon (UK), March 1964, pp. 19 – 20, Split-Cane Rod Building. The Start (R. Barraud) (*)
- Trout and Salmon, June 1969, pp. 30 – 31, Split-Cane Rod Building – A step-by-step guide for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. The Start (R. Barraud). *
- Trout and Salmon, July 1969, pp. 20 – 22, Split-Cane Rod Building – A step-by-step guide for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. It’s to be a two-piece fly rod (R. Barraud). *
- Trout and Salmon, Aug. 1969, pp. 28 – 29, Split-Cane Rod Building – A step-by-step guide for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. Modern glues and techniques (R. Barraud). *
- Trout and Salmon, Sept. 1969, pp. 19 – 20, Split-Cane Rod Building – A step-by-step guide for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. Now to the fitting and finishing (R. Barraud). *
- Trout and Salmon, June 1977, pp. 66, New tackle – Warwick rods in demand (xx). *
- Trout and Salmon, Sep. 1977, pp. 37 – 38, New rods for old (xx) – “And it’s all done with patience and a pocket-knife, says Tony Carfrae.” *
- Trout and Salmon, March 1978, pp. 97 – 98, Bookreview – A Master’s Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod, by Everett Garrison and Hoagy B. Carmichael. (xx). *
- Trout and Salmon, Aug. 1990, pp. 79 – 81, First buy your bamboo (Jon Beer) – Jon Beer visits Homer Jennings. *
- Trout and Salmon, May 1997, p. 4 – 9, All greased up and ready to roll (Bill Currie) – looking at the brilliance of A.H.E.Wood, the father of floating-line fishing for salmon. – Some talking about the Hardy “A.H.E. Wood Rods”.
- Trout and Salmon, Nov. 2003, pp. 52 – 55, Wizard of the Ness – the life and achievements of Alexander Grant, the world’s most brilliant speycaster (Eoin FairGrieve) – “The real secret of the rod was its specific taper” *
- Trout and Salmon, July 2005, pp. 6 – 12, The feel-good factor – Fishing with cane and silk represents the traditions of our sport (Philip White) – “There is something about the feel of cane that has never been surpassed”. *
- Trout and Salmon, Jan. 2006, pp. 50 – 51, A day in the life of Harold Sharpe (Graham Mole) – “He’s made rods for the Queen Mother, the Prince of Wales and Billy Connolly. And even now, at the age of 80, he’s still fishing and climbing” *
- Trout and Salmon, March 2006, A solid affair (Tom Fort) – about Edward Barder Rod Company. (Download). –
- Trout and Salmon, Aug. 2017, pp. 14 – 19, Hand me down my fishing cane (James Beeson) – Cane and able. Why a modern bamboo rod will transform your stream fishing. James Beeson tries an Edward Barder split-cane rod.
- Trout Fisherman (UK), Issue 504, Dec/Jan 2018. pp. 6 – x, Cane is still able (Andy Parker) – Andy Parker has fun with 6 ft. cane rods. (Download).
- Trout Magazine (USA), Autumn 1974, My Cane, (John Gagnon)
- Trout Magazine, Autumn 1985, The Classics: Rods in Cane (Martin J. Keane)
- Trout Magazine, Autumn 1985, The Complicated Task Of Building A Split Cane Rod, (Hoagy Carmichael)
- Trout Magazine, Autumn 1989, Fly Lines That Really Float, (Leon Chandler)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Circular 29, 1948, Bamboo culture and utilization in Puerto Rico, (34 pages), (David G. White) –
- Vancouver Sun (Canada), June 15. 1995, Bamboo Fishing Rods Making A Comeback (Mark Hume) – article on rodmaker Bob Milward.
- Vancouver Sun, Sep. 1. 2018, Ronald Grantham (1942 – 2018) – Obituary.
- Vancouver Sun, March 21. 2019, Peter McVey (1939 – 2019) – Obituary.
- Vermont News Guide (USA), vol. 15, no.40 – Oct. 1975, Wes Jordan, Master Rod Maker (Don Zahner)
- Virginian-Pilot (USA), June 30, 1991, Yeah, Sure, But Can It Catch Fish? Mass-Produced Or One-Of-A-Kind, Rods Have Allure (Bob Hutchinson)
- Wertvolles Sammeln, Michel Special-Magazin, (Germany), Heft 4, Mai, 2016, pp. 54 – 59, Mit Bambus zum Fang (xxx) – Interview with Rodmaker Olaf Kundrus, in German and English.
- Western Sportsman (Canada), May/June 1986, pp. 65 – 66, Raising Cane – Carefully (Bob Scammel) – article on Rodmaker Don Andersen.
- Wichita Eagle (USA), Dec. 22, 1991, Hot Rods: Crafting Bamboo With Love (Steve Harper) – article on Rodmaker John Carman.
- Wisconsin Trout, WI Trout Unlimited, (USA), Oct. 2013, pp. 17, Paul Julius, a bamboo fly rod maker at an early age (Scott Grady) –
- Wood Science and Technology, 30, 1996, pp. 77 – 89, Ageing of bamboo culms. A review (W. Liese, G. Weiner) –
- Yankee Magazine (USA), May 1971, Bamboo Magic (Pete Byrnes)
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